Nov 162015

Kindness Day-

Somewhat ironically in retrospect, last Friday was designated as Kindness Day…which took the back seat as the horrific events in Paris were gradually reported.  Given the impact such events have on all people of compassion, I find I need, and perhaps others do too, news about kindness and people treating others with respect and dignity…and so my humble terse choices for the day…

Sometimes we can be a better human and increase our success, too…here’s one example:

What do you think about that idea?

Other times we especially need to feel special:

Did you have a favorite dress-up or pretend character to play as a child? 

Hanky alert for a wonderful pop-up shop:

And a special kitty the UK has begun enjoying again (see the video):


“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” ― Aesop


  14 Responses to “Terse Tuesday Tidbits November 17, 2015”

  1. I don't know where to start!  I loved all three.  The first showed a very creative educator with an excellent idea that should go viral.  Children who have more help at school will always do better.  The second is also a good idea.  Many of our children go without basic needs and if they can obtain them without fanfare at school they will.  The last, of course I love anything about cats.  I shared all three on Facebook.

  2. A very creative approach to teaching that literally flipped the results for success!  Awesome!  And Sainbury's advert with Mog was awesome too!

  3. Upworthy: Kudos to Princial Green and his staff for implementing this novel idea. It's working, and the students are doing so well.

    Upworthy: Wigs for Kids for Children with Cancer. Adorable pictures!

    HuffPo: I think schools should adopt this as a lot of our students don't even have the basic needs for getting through a day. Passing this on to some teachers I know.

    Loved the little Mog video!!

    Thanks, JL for this great post.

  4. Flip – It makes sense to me – I hope he hasn't had too much blowback from tinfoil hats.

    Wig – (BTW was it your intention to have the first two combine to "flip your wig"?) You know you have broken the cute barrier when the article is picked up by "I Can Has Cheezburger."  I know how difficult this is to do, BTW.  The weight of the wig pulls against it staying on the head.  You need something VERY soft to be snug enough to hold up the wig, yet not hurt.

    Pantry – While being touched by how great and idea this is and how successful it has been, part of me is also furious that it is necessary. 

    Mog – (I understand this is British for "mixed breed" or "uncertain bloodlines," deriving from "mongrel," but since we have real Brits reading and sharing here, if this is wrong, hopefully someone will set me straight.)  I don't know whether the story of sharing is more touching, or the story of Ms. Kerr coming out of retirement to make it happen.

  5. Excellent subject choice, Judi.

    Upworthy 1: Flipping the classroom makes so much sense. Why waste the time of a teacher on going through the material without much interaction while new technology lets a video do the "dull" work and which can be individually rewound when needed, and frees up the teacher for made-to-measure interaction and support with the individual student. The teacher can now identify the unique problems each student has and by close interaction resolve them, perhaps even once and for all.

    Upworthy 2: The article speaks about kids wanting to be dressed up as their favorite fairy tail princess, but there won't be many boys who'd want that. But aside from that, the idea is brilliant. The girls don't care if the wig isn't real hair, it gives them an opportunity to escape the reality of the day, in which their illness and treatment is the focus, with their soft yarn wigs and be happy as a princes for a while. And don't they look gorgeous?

    Huffington Post 1: I'm very glad this works for so many students (15%), it appears to connect to a real need in that school community. But it also has something secretive about it, which is quite understandable, but which could also work against it. Kids can be very cruel and if a kid found out making use of the shop could have set itself up for bullying or shaming. Anyway, the idea that kids no longer go hungry and are having both their bodies and their minds fed is wonderful.

    Huffington Post 1:  If they made all ads like that, I'm sure I'd watch more. So much fun. But poor Mog, why did he only get a boiled egg for his Christmas dinner? As the hero of the day he surely was entitled to a turkey leg at least, wasn't he?

    • He was entitled to just about anything he wanted.  But, though I haven't read the books, I got the impression from the context that an egg was his favorite thing in the whole world, and that that was probably set up in the books in a lot more detail.

      And speaking of the books – my eye was caught by a title and I went on to search and discover that Judith Kerr was a refugee from Hitler's Germany herself and wrote a trilogy about those years and some post war years.  The first book in the trilogy was the title that caught my eye:  "When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit."  Classified as "young adult" but from the reviews it looks like many of the adults reading are not all that young.

  6. Flipping classes seems like a marvelous idea, as, apparently, the traditiional approach has lost much value over the years.  If one can get kids engaged, most of the battle is won!

    The wigs seem to create fun, and thereby get kids out of any doldrums related to their cancer struggles.

  7. Kindnerss in all things defines authentic Christianity.

  8. I LOVE Mog! That looks so much like some of all of the cats that I have had in my life! I have seen them do just about everything in that ad!

    Love that stuff, JL!!

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