Nov 162015

I have said over and over again, If you want to understand the Republican Party, what you need to see is that everything the Republican Party does is intended to fulfill one of two goals.  The lesser goal is the transfer of wealth from the poor and middle classes to billionaires.  The greater goal is the establishment of a permanent Republican Reich, a fascist plutocracy, in which elections have predetermined results and exist for show only.  The following article helps explain the greater goal.

1116RepReichThe Federalist Society is the intellectual nexus of America’s conservative legal establishment. It was the incubator of both Supreme Court suits that tried (and failed) to gut the Affordable Care Act, and its events are often the best indicator of what Justice Samuel Alito’s opinions will say two years down the road. The Society’s annual national lawyer’s convention, moreover, typically showcases the many diverse strategies its members have devised to implement conservative policy in any branch of government willing to listen to them. Past convention speakers offered proposals as ambitious as eliminating anti-discrimination law, eliminating the minimum wage, and declaring much of the twentieth century unconstitutional.

This year’s convention, however, which was held this past weekend, took on a decidedly different tone. While flagship conservative ideas such as eliminating unions and protecting anti-gay discrimination certainly were mentioned at the Federalist Society’s 2015 National Lawyers Convention, the panels were fixated on a single idea — restricting or abolishing the power of federal agencies to regulate. Indeed, this topic came up so often that one could be forgiven for assuming that this year’s convention schedule was planned by Captain Ahab, with the Obama administration’s regulations playing the role of Moby Dick.

Given the Federalist Society’s influence among Republican lawmakers — especially the kind of Republican lawmaker who wears judicial robes — it is very likely that many of their proposals will be implemented if the 2016 election gives the GOP control of all three branches of government. It should be noted, moreover, that their proposals to hobble federal agencies are likely to give a structural advantage to Republicans that could very well become permanent. Republicans would still be capable of implementing their preferred policies, while Democrats would struggle to do the same even in the immediate wake of an electoral victory…

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Click through for the specifics on how Republicans want to do this.  If you’re wondering how Republican hatred for and/or discrimination against Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Native Americans, LGBT people, women, students, and seniors fits into the two goals, it’s  simple.  They need their  rabid base to win elections, so it satisfying that base contributes to establishing a permanent Republican Reich.  The discrimination against the poor serves the former goal.  We must prevent them from  achieving either!


  12 Responses to “Plans to Implement a Republican Reich”

  1. Excellent article, I've saved this to re-read. Sending on to friends as well.

    Thanks, TC for this.

  2. I have read about the REINS Act, of course, and my initia reaction was that it can't possibly be Constitutional.  Regulating has to be one of the activities assigned to the Executive branch – otherwise, how could it function.  I don't know whether that is in writing, though, or just the result of overwhelming legal precedent – and in any case, you can't trust ANYTHING to this Supreme Court.  Another reason why it is so important to have a Democratic President elected in 206, and also to take back the Senate (which we cannot do in one election so we need a long term plan).

    I should have pulled out the Constitution right away when I first read about it.  I have a pocket-sized copy right next to (my other) computer.

    My other thought is that you say plutocracy, and you of course are right, but it will be disguised as a theocracy, and that will make it still more powerful.  People who would not give "the rich" the time of day – some of them will be more hesitant not to respect "God."  The fact that it won't really be "God," but instead some rich people's concept of a "God" who will support them in ever way – will be lost on many.  Which is why it is so important to keep stressing and spreading the truth that God has nothing to do with it.  Keep cartooning.

  3. Joanne: One explanation of the history of why regulations are the sole province of the Executive Branch:

    The current twisted version of federalism espoused by The Federalist Society and their speakers would have our founding fathers squirming in their graves.

    Thanks TC

  4. Thanks, TC.  This is scary indeed.  The way elections have gone lately makes me fear we will soon have a Republican controlled house and senate, and possibly in the White House.  If that happens the poor and middle class can kiss their freedoms goodbye.  We are all ready hanging on by a thread. 

  5. Thanks for posting another scary view of American politics. I'm used to the way Republican politicians have sold out to the 1% by now, and I know SCOTUS isn't an independent institute which should overlook correct application of the law, but extremely politically biased, but I'd never fully realized that most, if not all of American jurisdiction has lost even the pretense of impartiality and has become completely politicized. The way the plutocrats have infiltrated ALL layers of public service by means of conservatives politicians and lawyers is identical to the way organized crime works, only it's much deeper nested in all public offices and much more powerful than organized crime could ever be.

    This infiltration is endemic and structural, both in terms of processes and laws as in people in key places. It is well organized and it's been going on for a long time. Unorganized Democrats seem almost powerless to turn this around should they be aware of it. They need to retake Congress as a first step, but then need to rally the masses to clean out all public offices from this disease. If they don't, there seems to be no turning back from this Republican Reich except through a vicious revolution. 

  6. Thanks all.  We must remain vigilant!

  7. so , what happened to America ? i mean you have to ask because this is not the America i grew up next to .  i mean are all republicians to be compared to nazis or muslim extremists? because they seem to enjoy electing all the haters , racists ,bigots that run the republician party . and i've never seen anyone but republicians show such direspect for your president , i can't believe it . glad your on the mend T C . hope i'm not being to harsh with my comments but i see no other way to make them . and i'm sorry but i really see no difference brtween republicians and muslims . especially the radical ones .

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