Sep 282013

I’m writing for tomorrow, day 106, and I’m about to leave to meet with a volunteer co-worker.  That will take sufficient time from my day, that this will be tomorrow’s only article.  Fantasy football players, make sure your line-ups are ready for Sunday’s games.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:44 (average 5:24).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Upworthy: Teaching Children In This Awful Way Is Like Helping A Person Who Is On Fire By Drowning Them


What GW Bush and the Republican Party did not tell us, when they touted BCLB, using Texas as an example, is that the success was rigged by pushing children who tested poorly, often Latino ESL kids, out of school.

From Daily Kos: A sign of the times: Popular Science, the 141-year-old publication that’s one of my favorites to pick up at airports for in-flight reading, shut off comments on its website today. An important part of the decision was trolls and spambots, just like we struggle to keep in check through community moderation here at Daily Kos.

But there’s something else, too, about how people yelling nonsense skews the discussion away from science. Away from fact. Away from their mission, which is to promote science. Away from reality.


Republicans love skience and hate science.

From MSNBC and MSNBC: A Pair from Rachel Maddow

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Republicans sure aren’t listening to Saint Ronnie Ray Gun today!! See? Yesterday I was telling you the truth about the absurd Republican wish list! I think that kid should never be allowed any control of anything again and thrown out of the House… and the Senate!!

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Steve is right about the difference between past posturing and today’s Republican terrorism. Two years ago, I supported the idea of a 14th Amendment solution. I understand Steve’s objections, and agree with them, so Obama should resist that alternative, unless Republicans actually cross the line. In Saint Ronnie’s day, the Republican leaders still had moral authority. Today they have only moral deficit, and that, so great that it makes our fiscal deficit seem like small change in comparison. That should bring you up to date on the Republican debt ceiling crisis.



Republicans have suggested bringing this back as civilian punishment.


  23 Responses to “Open Thread–9/28/2012”

  1. Tears pouring down my face as I listened to Dylan Garrity from SLAM – he is so right, God bless him and all like him! 

    The Ghastly GOP are at it again – threatening to crash the US (and even world) economy if Democrats don't agree to give them every single thing that they can think of  – it is barkingly insane!  They have caused a credit downgrade and stalled the economy for four months causing a lot of suffering the last time they tried it – and now they are threatening worse….  who the h*** votes for these psychos?  It is good to hear that Ronnie Reagan had similar troubles (though the GOP weren't as insane then) – and he told them where to get off.

    Rachel Maddow sounds right – the only alternative is to use the 4th section of the 14th amendment – and her analogy is right – the only alternative to President Obama doing this is too awful – he has a responsibility to protect the people of America from these nutcases – but I don't know how he is going to do it!


    • He sure did hit home, Pat.

      Ronnie, was among the worst of his time, but these are far worse times.

      I agree, but only as a last resort.  If Onama invokes the 14th, Republicans will challenge in court.  That alone would stall the economy for the months that took to play out, andx Republicans could blame Obama for causing it.

  2. Whoever would have thought that he Ronnie Reagan years would turn out to at least be the SANE years of conservatism?

    Jon Chait just wrote that "Obama is fighting to save his presidency."  Hell … he's fighting to save our country!


  3. AARP has an excellent interactive BRIEF questionnaire which generates a report on how ObamaCare will directly impact YOU.

    It takes about ONE minute to complete, but takes a bit longer to read the results.  It's based on age, sex, how many in the household, income and your current situation for healthcare coverage.

    And Vanity Fair has a long, detailed article debunking Rethuglican LIES about ObamaCare.  A bit drier read, but comprehensive and a good resource to bookmark so you can at least TRY to educate your wingnut friends and family (although they seem pretty immune to Truth and Facts).

  4. 3:06  That tree certainly does remind me of a fist put down on a table with the thumb stuck out for support.  Who's going to flatten my fist?

  5. Puzzle — 3:06  That tree certainly does remind me of a fist put down on a table with the thumb stuck out for support.  Who's going to flatten my fist?

    Upworthy — WOW!!!!!  Watch for Dylan Garity because he is one of the leaders of tomorrow showing the leaders of today where they should be!  Such clarity!  Such passion!

    I taught ESL during my last 2 years of highschool — 44 years ago.  I had a faculty adviser who did not attend the classes except to evaluate my performance, so otherwise the 2 classes I had were all mine.  I was lucky that my kids were able to read and write in their own languages.  But still, if a student knew some French, as did an Egyptian boy in one of my classes, I used that and pictures.

    To expect kids to be reading and writing at grade level in one year is absolutely ridiculous.  At home they speak their own language with parents.  Many of their friends will be from the same linguistic and cultural background so may also talk in that language and not English.  IMO, the education system is failing these kids.  I would love to shove educators (administrative types) and politicians into a language class for a language that they do not already know, and expect them to be fluent conversationally in 1 year.  They would fail.

    Daily Kos — Pseudo Science = Stagnation; Science = Growth!

                       Pseudo Science = R (Reverse); Science = Drive (Forward)!

                       Pseudo Science = conservatism; Science = liberalism!

    MSNBC — As I listened to the 2 Maddow segments, I could hear the Republicanus/Teabaggers singing a little ditty that I knew way back when . . . "I didn't know the gun was loaded…"

    For being a saint, Saint Ronnie Ray-gun sure is ignored.  But I have to wonder if he would be ignored even if he were here today.  I think probably because the Republicanus/Teabaggers are not your father's Republicam party.  They have morphed into a party of extremists.  What do you do with a rabid animal?  You shoot it!  I think it is time to "shoot" the Republicanus/Teabagger party by refusing to play their game — how absurb that they have this long laundry list of all or nothing.  And THEY say that Mr Obama does not negotiate?

    Cartoon — When I read the cartoon, my first reaction was to think "bring it back and use it on the Congress! . . . especially the Republicanus/Teabaggers!"  Hmmm. . . has possiblities!

    •  I would love to shove educators (administrative types) and politicians into a language class for a language that they do not already know, and expect them to be fluent conversationally in 1 year.  They would fail.

      Lynn Squance

      .  They need to fail at the ballot box and thanks Lynn… 🙂

    • …or your foot…. 😉



      Saint Ronnie is an icon they trot out to feign authority for their TEAbuggery of the monent.  In today's Republicab Party, he coulsn't win the nomination for Dog Catcher.

      Possibilities indeed. 😉

      Amen on the ballot box.

  6. ~ 5:28

    Teaching Children In This Awful Way Is Like Helping A Person Who Is On Fire By Drowning Them

    Wow…. sigh

    Dylan Garity – "Rigged Game" (NPS 2013)

  7. Great clips by Rachel Maddow and I urge President Obama to use 14th Amendment solution.  It's time to take the keys away from these rogue teenagers (Republicans-Tea-Bag Congress)…

  8. My anger over these situations cannot sustain rational thinking – yes – one can even think that there might be a rational program that these extremist republicans are after – but in my opinion they are the terrorists within our government – not worthy of listening to – they are worthy only of what any terrorist within the government should be subjected to – and that is either jail or death – they are not furthering our lives – they are actually attempting to overthrow the government and the citizens  – i'm not nearly so tolerant of such terrorists sitting in our congress – either kill them or vote them out – but to tolerate them is to participate in their subversive governance – this is ultimately intolerable and we cannot allow these terrorists to prevail – this is mp ;pmger tp;erab;e – they've attempted such sedition before – now that our country is at stake – and now that they are willing to put children, the elderly and the poor to death -they are seriously more dangerous than as-queda ever thought to be – they are not to be in our government – they must be eradicated – sorry -I'm not putting up with this shit any more – I want these people treated as criminals and terroroists – we shouldn't be placed at hostage to their extremist ideology.

    • I'm so angry with the fate of this country that these fascists have put us in – that I can't type!

    • Isn't it ironic tghat I was calling Republican tactics terrorism in 2010 and even fellow lwfties often said that wqas too extreme.

      I understand the emotion.

  9. Dylan Garrity made compelling points. No Child Left Behind has ruined our school systems for even those kids whose first language is English.   How awful it must be for those who don't even speak it.  dumbing down of America is working well.

    How sad that Popular Science has had to quit taking comments.  The right wingers are determined that all will think as they do, and we have no rights to think otherwise.

    I was never a fan of Ronnie, but he was a heck of a lot better than any Republican we have today.

    I hope the Prez invokes the 14th amendment instead of succumbing to blackmail and letting the Tea Party take us down again.

    Cartoon:  Those in congress who are advocating flogging are probably the same ones who are voting to prevent Sharia law from taking over the country.

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