Sep 272013


Here is the twenty-ninth article in our Republicans on Parade series, featuring individuals who personify what the Republican Party has become. Today’s honoree is Republican Radio Host and Propagandist, Sandy Rios.  She is honored for a a conspiracy theory so daft, that it proves she needs Cruz Control almost as desperately as Ted.

27RiosYesterday, American Family Radio morning drive-time host Sandy Rios used the Westgate Mall shooting in Nairobi to promote birther lunacy.  In the process, she pushed claims that have been debunked several times over–not that anyone who listens to AFR would know. 

According to Rios, that reports of at least three Americans with ties to al-Qaeda raises staggering implications, given that "this is the country from where our president hails."  She then doubled down, claiming that Obama’s cousin is former Kenyan prime minister Raila Odinga, "a Muslim Communist."  No, this isn’t snark–People for the American Way got a clip.

Odinga claimed back in December 2007, in the wake of the Kenyan presidential election, that he was Obama’s cousin.  appeared to form the basis of a long-circulating email claiming that Obama and Odinga have long been in cahoots with each other, and that Obama even donated a million dollars to the Odinga campaign. Not so, says Snopes–which points out that Obama and Odinga are not biologically related and that at least one other candidate in the Kenyan election claimed to be related to Obama. 

Nonetheless, the wingnut fringe seized on it to peddle claims that Obama endorsed Odinga and actively campaigned for him.  Moreover, Odinga isn’t a Muslim–he’s a born-again Christian… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

Is that a major whopper or what?

Ed Schultz has his own exposΓ© on this.

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Of course this liar is a Republican. When she’s not propagandizing for them, she’s raising money for their candidates.


  14 Responses to “Republicans on Parade–9/27/2013”

  1. Oh dear Heaven – this is the kind of lame-brained, mentally defective 'if they are brown they are muslim and kill them' that got poor Dr Prabhjot Singh so vilely assaulted a few days ago in Manhattan, isn't it?  (As I'm sure everyone here knows, he is a Sikh – and a doctor and helps the poor and underpriviliged).  Blessings upon the passer-by who helped him. 


    • What most people don't realize is the Sikh are a very peaceful and loving people. They assume because the Sikhs carry a kirpan (ceremonial sword), they must be violent. This sword can be a few inches long or a few feet. It is not used for violence. Long hair, Middle Eastern or Eastern, Turban plus a weapon must equal Muslim to these idiots. I hope the poor man fully recovers. Bless the Good Samaritan who helped him.

    • You're absoultely right, Pat, and Patty's info is spot on.  Sikhism is probably closer to Hinduism than Islam, but unlike Hinduism, it is monotheistic.

  2. Is it my imagination, or are they getting crazier?

  3. So did Dr. Singh get assaulted for being a Muslim, or for providing health care while brown?  Or I guess it was both.  Except that one is true and one isn't, and the one that's true is very much to his credit, which wouldn't prevent the idiots from committing criminal assault.  I'm with Arielle on care2 – they are like a persistent buzzing fly – and I have to say, like a persistent buzzing fly so small one can barely see them but they make one nervous about one's eyes and nostrils.

  4. Dr. Goebbels would have been proud of her.

  5. I wonder what Rios and her ilk would say if I claimed to be Mr Obama's cousin? Such a declaration on my part could just as equally be true were I a relative of his mother's.  She (they) claims that Odinga, because of his own declaration, is Obama's cousin.  But does she offer any proof?  Does she offer any proof that Mr Obama supported Odinga's campaign?  Does she offer any proof that Odinga is a Muslim communist?   This is pure racism.  Rios is stoking the fires of racism in order to fire up a racist and uneducated base.

    Here are two of the comments from the Daily Kos:

    Journeyman: "And it is racism. Pure and simple. As a white male I am very reluctant to pull either the racism or sexism trigger as I have been accused of both and have never consciously, at least, been either. That said, this bullshit is racist. It's so bloody racist that I can't even pretend to take those who continue to delve in it, to dog-whistle about it, to pretend that it's anything other than calling our president, a man a voted for two times, a racial epithet. It gets my blood up. Birtherism is racism. Pure and simple. I have a very good friend who essentially had a falling out with an old friend of his over this very issue. That's one of the reasons that I'm proud to be his friend. Racism is at best lunacy and at worst pure crystalline evil. And birtherism is racism. Shame on Sandy Rios. Just shame on her.

    Ceterum censeo Factionem Republicanam esse delendam."


    Anita Maria: "Just when you think they've sunk as far into the sewage as they could possibly get, you realize you were wrong. They outdo themselves and you see they still haven't reached the bottom. I'm very confident that the conspiracy ghouls will come up with far more offensive things to say about this incident than what Ms. Rios said yesterday.

    Wait until they start drawing the invisible lines between these terrorist and Keith Ellison.

    The worst is yet to come, I'm afraid."

    There is racism and bigotry in this world and it is, in my opinion, a factor of being human and afraid of anything different than what the individual is.  It is China where the Han Chinese are seen as being superior over many other ethnic groups.  You see it in Rwanda where Hutus and Tutsis were perceived as different, the Hutus resorting to violence and genocide over the Tutsis.  You see racism in the US with whites propagating racial discrimination over Blacks and others.  

    But I firmly believe that it doesn't have to be that way.  It will take a lot of hard work, persistence and compassion to knock down that wall.

    Pat, Patty and Joanne have spoken of the frightful events around Dr Prabhjot Singh.  Here is a link to an article in the Huffington Post that includes an interview with Dr Singh after his treatment.

    During the interview the doctor said that his assailants were likely Black youth who targeted him for his beard and turban and called him a Muslim and a terrorist.  What is remarkable to me is his attitude in light of the attack.

    I highly recommend listening to the short interview.  I would be privileged to call this man "friend".


  6. If they don't look like us and talk like us, they must be terrorists. Good Grief.  I never heard of Rios, either, and hope I don't again.  She should be on Faux news.

  7. Of course this liar is a Republican. When she’s not propagandizing for them, she’s raising money for their candidates.

    I suppose the lies continue to lure me to keep watching as to what they might do or say next… :mrgreen:

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