Aug 082013

Writing for tomorrow, day 55, climate change is still kicking my butt.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:19 (average 4:55).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: More threats from the continuing criminal enterprise that is the Republican Party.  Now Reince Priebus, head of the Party, is demanding that CNN and NBC cancel movies and mini-series about Hillary Clinton OR …..  He’ll hold his breath?  No something worse.  He’ll pull the ratings juggernauts of the Republican presidential primary debates in 2016. 

Isn’t it ironic that the Citizens United decision stemmed from a case demanding the right to air and advertise a negative movie about Hillary.  What hypocrites!

From The New Yorker: Jeff Bezos, the founder of, told reporters today that his reported purchase of the Washington Post was a “gigantic mix-up,” explaining that he had clicked on the newspaper by mistake.

“I guess I was just kind of browsing through their website and not paying close attention to what I was doing,” he said. “No way did I intend to buy anything.”

Mr. Bezos said he had been oblivious to his online shopping error until earlier today, when he saw an unusual charge for two hundred and fifty million dollars on his American Express statement.

As much as $250 million sounds, it’s tiny to Bezos. I’m reserving my opinion to see what he does, but thank God it wasn’t Murdoch of the Koch Brothers!

From MSNBC: Bought Bitch Mitch’s hired criminal

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It comes as no surprise that Jesse Benton is a criminal. How could he not be, since he managed the campaign of that hateful, racist misanthrope, Ron Paul?  It also comes as no surprise that he is now working for the candidate named after political corruption, Bought Bitch Mitch.




  12 Responses to “Open Thread–8/8/2013”

  1. Excellent video from Rachel Maddow – just when you think the Repuglicons can't get any more revolting and greedy – they do!  Interesting who bought the Washington Post – I wonder how Jeff Bezos will dictate investigations and editorials from now on?

  2. 3:47  Seems I was stuck in place — too stiff to fly!

  3. Puzzle — 3:47  Seems I was stuck in place — too stiff to fly!

    Daily Kos — If Priebus holds his breath to try to get what he wants, I'll applaud him and encourage him to keep holding his breath!  So when does the RNC decide what is for public consumption?  NBC is not owned by Rupert Murdoch, yet!  CNN is a bunch of sissies!

    Crap, if they're not trying to suppress the vote, they're trying to control the air waves!  Criminal enterprise indeed!

    The New Yorker — I didn't relise that this had happened, but lo, it did!  From Reuters: 

    The founder and CEO of Inc hasn't given much away since he struck a deal to buy the 135-year-old paper for $250 million. But he did tell employees on Monday that they will have to "invent" and "experiment" as the Internet revolutionizes the news business.

    To modernise and up grade the processes is one thing that all businesses should look at.  But what will he do to the editorial content etc?  I hope he doesn't become another Murdoch!

    AB is great.

    MSNBC — Sir Walter Scott said it best: "O what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive."

    I think McTurtle knew what was going on when he hired Jesse Benton.  He is too connected not to have known. He is desperate to defeat all comers for his seat, Teabagger or Democrat.  Mind you, what is the phrase — plausible deniablity?  Ditch Mitch!

    Cartoon — And here I thought that was the Republicanus/Teabagger presidential primary debates that Priebus is threatening to pull from NBC and CNN because he is all hot and bothered by documentaries about Hillary Clinton.

    • Ah… the eternal question.  Crunched or Mashed?


      Always, almost.

      Of that, I have no doubt.  I think hiring this guy was a bribe to Idiot, Sone of Idiot, Named after Idiot so that Paul would not endorse and campaign for the Bagger.

      Sorry, I don't see what that has to do with GOPers at a still.

  4. I certainly hope that CNN and NBC don't succumb to this blackmail.

    I hope Bezos will keep the Post alive and let it maintain its crediblity.  I refuse to read my newspaper on line, I want that black smudge on my fingers when I finish reading.  My son is a newspaper editor in a small town, I want to see him thrive at his job.

    Mitch probably knew all about Benton, but he will either deny it happened, or cut him looose.  He is facing a tough competitor this time around.

    • Consider this.  There is no guarantee these will be favorable to Hillary.  As a campaigner, she is vicious and unethical.  That's why I ended up supporting Obama in 2008.

      Kudos to your son.

      See my reply to Lynn, please.

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