Jul 282013


Patty is a regular, and you’ll find her excellent comments on virtually every article, almost every day.  She comes to us from Care2.  This is her sixth Big Mouth Award, having also posted the 28,000th comment in January 2012, the 31,000th in May, the 33,000th in July, the 35,000th in September, and the 41,000th im March 2013.  Patty’s is still a MAJOR Jig Zone predator, and is now known as the Patty Monster.  She still attacks those puzzles with all the zeal of a Republican politician trying to steal the right to vote from the poor.  Now we expect her to be Monster Mashing opponents on the Fantasy Football gridiron too. She is a completely welcome regular here.  Thank you, Patty!

Honorable mention to Pat from the UK, who posted the one before and the one after.


  10 Responses to “Patty Still Has a BIG Mouth! ;-)”

  1. Congratulations to you Patty on your anniversary!

  2. Well done, Patty!  Hooray!!

  3. I am humbled at this great honor. Thank you from the bottom of my evil Monster heart.

  4. You go girl! Congratulations! 

    You're the jigzone Masher, and now the fantasy football Masher? We'll just see.

  5. Congrats!  And don't go spending ALL that accompanying gift certificate just at Tiffany's.

  6. Congratulations Patty!  You not only mash us almost every day on the puzzle, you mash us with your timely posts as well.  Do you keep a running total?

  7. Thumbs up ^ Patty… I only wish I could hit the board (BIG Mouth Awards 

    Every 1,000th Comment)  at all… πŸ™‚

  8. Congratulations, Patty.  It is an honor to get the big mouth award from TC.

  9. Thanks everyone!  Nameless, should I give her half my salary for running this place? πŸ˜‰

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