May 032013

Yesterday my fever broke.  Felt miserable, but necessary.    Sick of sick.


  9 Responses to “Personal Update–5/3/2013”

  1. Hi TC!  Dr Winnie says "meooow!" and he is glad that the fever broke.  His prescription: rest, more rest, lots of fluids, meds, more rest, and just a pinch of catnip!

    Take care!


  2. Step in the right direction.

    I'll wager you'll be rooting for "Charming Kitten" in tomorrow's Kentucky Derby.

    And if you want to chuckle, here's a little creature from the Amazon called "The Donald Trump Caterpillar" (OK, I don't think that's what it's REALLY called – but it works for me):


    • Hilarious caterpillar! I saw a "wooly bear" caterpillar this morning who just came out of hibernation and is looking for a place to spin its cocoon.

    • Nameless, you've done it again!  That is hilarious!  But actually, I think this guy's combover is better than Trump's!  But TC, just don't go thinking this is a hairball and try to bury it in the cat box.

  3. Yayyy!  If the fever broke, mending is starting.  Hang in there, TC

  4. Doctors BeBe and Silly agree with Dr. Winnie and they said not to overdo the catnip. Just a wee bit.

  5. Oh, dear Tom, I hate that you're going through all this but now that your fever has broken,hopefully you'll be on the mend here real fast. Best wishes.

  6. I've been concerned not hearing from you for so long! Glad the fever broke – sorry you're going through such a hard time — heal up and get better!

  7. Pooor TomCat!  Like everyone else I am so glad the fever has broken – and I concur with the advice of Dr Winnie et al – REST dear TC!

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