Sep 282012

Yesterday my volunteer meeting in prison was a mostly social event, as speakers from outside colleges and churches came in to read essays.  I love it, when visitors come to a meeting for the first time, because they are always amazed at how my guys are nothing like their expectations.  Critter agrees with Critter.  I’m so worn out, that I feel like I should bury myself in the deepest corner of my kitty box., so this is today’s only article.  I’m current with replies.  I expect to be back full time and normal tomorrow.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:46 (average 4:36).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: Why Romney’s ”Let Detroit Go Bankrupt” Would Have Been Exactly The Wrong Move 4 Years Ago


4 years ago, Lord Willard’s policies would have been disastrous. That has not changed, and continuing Obama’s leadership is imperative.

From MSNBC: The service of Lord Willard


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I was ready to go to prison to protest that war, and attacked because of my activism, I left blood on the streets of several US cities. For that, I receive no benefits, but in my protest, I did far more to serve this nation than Lord Willard. Soldiers who put their ass on the line fighting that war and activists who put their ass on the line opposing that war all served. Chickenhawks like GW Bush, Cheney and Lord Willard did not!  WE gave.  THEY take.

From Buzzfeed and MSNBC: Former President George W. Bush is set to deliver the keynote address at the Cayman Alternative Investment Summit on Grand Cayman just a few days before the election.

The conference will feature Bush as the keynote speaker on the first night, and British billionaire Sir Richard Branson on the second night.


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Lord Willard may not want Crawford Caligula visiting him personally, but he must be OK with Bush visiting his money.




  9 Responses to “Open Thread–9/28/2012”

  1. 4:00  I was not exactly a blur with this puzzle.

  2. 3:56 and now I have blurry vision!
    MoveOn — "The auto industry was symbolic of saving manufacturing in America."  That says so much! 
    Romney said:

    "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt.  If General Motors, Ford and Chrysler get the bailout that their chief executives asked for yesterday, you can kiss the American auto industry goodbye."

    As the video so well documents, the bail out provided work for downline and upline workers, workers not tied directly to GM, Ford or Chrysler.  Romney was wrong!  And after the success of the bailout, he still tries to take credit by saying he would have done a "managed bankruptcy" that would have restructured and morphed the companies.  I have 2 words for him (and anyone else that believes his line of drivel) — BULL SHIT!
    I sometimes wonder if Rmoney was actually sitting there rubbing his hands together waiting to prey on all the companies that would have been destroyed if Detroit had not been bailed out.  Once a vulture, always a vulture.  Rmoney does not care about anyone or anything other than himself and money!
    This video needs to get out, be more high profile, to stimulate people's thinking.  Too many people see only the small picture.  They don't see the larger picture, the industries that feed into the auto industry directly, nor those that feed out of it.  They don't consider other areas like housing, restaurants, entertainment . . . you name it!  All the other industries that rely on workers having jobs and spending money.
    Get out the vote!!!!!     Four more years!!!!!
    Vote Democratic 2012!!!!!     Vote Obama/Biden 2012!!!!!
    Here I go again — Rmoney and his ignorant, blind GOP acolytes are p'ing me off again!  Break time — BP check!
    MSNBC — I wonder, had Rmoney not received deferments on serving in the military and actually gone to Vietnam and survived, would he still have the attitudes he does today?  Personally, I think that his deferments should have been turned down since he was openly protesting in favour of the war.
    Canada was so different from the US during the Vietnam War.  You heard about the war on the news of course, but you didn't see the protests like the ones in the US.  However, we did become the destination of choice for many draft dodgers, and for the most part, they were welcomed.  At that time we had a Liberal government.  Had it been a Conservative government, particularly a Harper one, they would have been sent back.
    WOW!!!  Love young Bill Clinton's hair!  Seems hard to believe, but there it is!
    MSNBC — Well at least Baby Bush will be able to get a tan from the sun, unlike Rmoney who is depending on a bottle of tanning paint!
    Cartoon — If that were Abbas and Netanyahu, they would be shouldering rifles pointing at each other instead of shaking hands!

    • That's an excellent observation about Romney and Detroit.  I hadn't thought of it, but it sure could be so.

      Fat chance!

      I considered Canada as an exit strategy, but I believed that refusing the consequences for my protest would undermine its value.



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