Sep 152012

Yesterday I saw my Cardiologist, and she said that my heart passed with flying colors.  My left ventricular ejection fraction was 75% at rest and under stress.  She thinks the extra beats and tachycardia are completely due to reduced O2 from my COPD.  Unfortunately the COPD remained severe yesterday and the heat exceeded the forecast, so I am still way behind on sleep and feeling it.  I caught up on replies, but did not answer most individually.  Tomorrow is a holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:07 (average 4:22).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: We Really Wish We Hadn’t Won This Gold Medal


Prison is both the most expensive and the least effective method of corrections, a lesson both parties need to learn.

From NY Times: As four flag-draped coffins bearing the bodies of the Americans killed in Libya arrived in the United States on Friday, new details emerged of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens’s final hours, alone, locked in a smoke-filled room in a diplomatic mission under siege.

In a solemn ceremony at Joint Base Andrews outside the capital, President Obama said the victims “laid down their lives for us all” and vowed to honor their memory by never retreating from the world.

How very sad!  Thoughts and prayers for the families, please.

From Alternet: Romney immigration adviser and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach is considering banning President Barack Obama from the ballot in his state this fall for a lack of sufficient proof that he was born in the United States.

He and his colleagues on the Kansas’s Objections Board will decide Monday whether to accept the birther-based attempt to debilitate Obama’s re-election. The move was prompted by a Kansas resident’s written complaint that Obama may be lying about where he was born.

I understand that it has been called off, but for such Teabuggery to be pushed by a campaign advisor to a presidential nominee is inexcusable.



And he is the least moral and most irresolute of the bunch.


  7 Responses to “Open Thread–9/15/2012”

  1. Puzzle — 3:06 but got it down to 2:51.  I wish my hips were that small!
    MoveOn — Frightening statistics.  Any wonder that some of the criminals try to cross the border into Canada.  And privatising prisons is, IMHO, not a good idea.  I'm sure it costs more to operate — it usually does.  If the state convicts them and sentences them, it should have the responsibility to house them.  More has to be done to rehabilitate which won't likely be done in a for-profit system because there goes the profit.  One thing that I find annoying is that in Canada under Harper and his harlots, there are more prisons proposed yet we have a declining crime rate.  Go figure.
    New York Times — Asphyxiation, a slow, agonising death.  He would have known what was happening until he passed out.  Indeed, prayers for friends and family.  And prayers for the healing of a nation without violence.
    Alternet — Kris Kobach is an idiot and Romney an even bigger IDIOT for listening to Kobach.  To me, such a Teabuggery move should be unconstitutional.  To me, that is election fraud and puts Kansas residents at a disadvantage.  I know it is a red state, but this is just one more attempt by a right wing fanatic to taint the election.  With moves like this, the US will no longer be able to call itself the 'land of the free'.
    Cartoon — Oh look, the 3 Stooges — Larry, Moe and Curly!  And Romney . . . perhaps he could be Shep, Moe's lame brained brother!  Or maybe Romney belongs in the Wizard of Oz as all three of the tin man, the lion, and the scarecrow — no brain, no courage, and no heart!

  2. 3:52  That rose  hip…checked me.

  3. Kansas should be thrown out of the Union for all the stupid shit they've done be it education, this birther thing and all other states just laugh at them.  I think there are more cows there than people and they are registered to vote.  Someone should look at voter fraud in Kansas.  Who are the nit wits that are running that place?

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