It Wouldn’t Have Happened?

 Posted by at 10:35 am  Politics
Sep 152012

I have often wondered what the world might look might today had Bush not stolen the 2000 election, and Al Gore had become President.  I would hope that he would not have ignored the security briefing that Al Qaeda wanted to attack the US using hijacked airliners, and would have prevented the tragedy.  Imagine a world where 911 had not happened.  Willard wants us to believe in a world where terrorism would hot happen, because respect for his leadership.

15WillardA top foreign policy aide to Mitt Romney suggested Thursday that the deadly attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens would never have happened if Romney were president. There wouldn’t even be anti-American protests in the Middle East if Romney were in charge, the aide said.

“There’s a pretty compelling story that if you had a President Romney, you’d be in a different situation,” Romney adviser Richard Williamson told the Washington Post. “For the first time since Jimmy Carter, we’ve had an American ambassador assassinated.”

He blamed the attack that killed Stevens on Obama’s handling of the region, arguing that the Muslim world would have held the hypothetical Romney administration of 2008-2012 in much greater esteem, which would have prevented violent protests over an anti-Muslim film like the one that led to Stevens’s death.

“In Egypt and Libya and Yemen, again demonstrations — the respect for America has gone down, there’s not a sense of American resolve and we can’t even protect sovereign American property,” he said.

Williamson served as an official under President George W. Bush. Numerous deadly attacks on diplomatic compounds in countries like Pakistan, Yemen and Syria took place during the Bush administration. When countries around the world were engulfed in protests over Danish cartoons depicting the prophet Muhammad, the Bush administration condemned the material as “unacceptable” even as it repeated the United States’s dedication to free speech

Inserted from <TPM>

Photo credit: The Telegraph

Wow!  You can use that to fertilize your veggies.  Williamson must have earned a PhD in Bullshitology!  Isn’t the way respect for GW prevented 9/11 wonderful?  Rachel Maddow explored the absurdity of the InsaniTEA.

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Romney is not just a GOP Idiot. He is a threat to our national security!


  18 Responses to “It Wouldn’t Have Happened?”

  1. They really do think that not only are people stupid , but they  have short memories as well-You are so right Romney is the biggest threat to National security running around loose !
    Romney has such poor judgment he should never be close to any   serious decisions and certainly never be in a place of power ;
    The very thought of him being in the most  powerful office in the world is very frightening !

  2. Williamson must have earned a PhD in Bullshitology!
    Yeppers, his Ph.D. is definitely 'piled higher and deeper' :-)!

  3. Saturday September 15, 2012, 2:42 pm
    "Romney is not just a GOP Idiot. He is a threat to our national security!" 

    Rmoney and the g o p pukes and baggers will be a threat to USA, the World if they gain control of the White House. UGH! 

  4. Romney is not just a GOP Idiot. He is a threat to our national security!

    I didn't sleep well for 8 years via George W. Bush… My wife and I will be going door to door here in Florida for President Obama…

  5. "…the deadly attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens would never have happened if Romney were president. There wouldn’t even be anti-American protests in the Middle East if Romney were in charge…"
    I can see that possibility . . . but only if Rmoney was weilding a damn big stick!  The world would be instead in the midst of WWIII ! 
    I wonder if Rmoney realises that respect is earned?  Money cannot buy respect.  After all the gaffes during his recent foreign trip, even allies are laughing at Rmoney.  Nobody will respect Rmoney.
    "…would have prevented violent protests over an anti-Muslim film like the one that led to Stevens’s death." — Well I think that Rachel Maddow pretty well debunked the idea that Stevens' murder was a result of an anti-Muslim 'film'!
    Romney is definitely a threat to national security, both abroad and at home!

  6. If Rmoney were President we would be fully engaged in WWIII.

  7. Bwahahaha – the look on Rmoney's face is priceless.

  8. Romney can't predict any foreign policy events any more than my big toe can.  I think you just sunk yourself, Mittens.

  9. I am hoping the American voters will see his clumsiness and idiocy in the comments he has made about this situation.

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