Sep 042012

Yesterday was a restful holiday.  I’m current on replies.  Tomorrow I will likely have an Open Thread at most, because I have an extended appointment with my urologist for my kidney stones.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:06 (average 4:22).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: Did Eisenhower Predict The End Of The GOP?


Their number is no longer negligible, but they are still stupid.

From Current: Paul Ryan Comedy Sing-Along: "You Can’t Hide Paul Ryan’s Lies" (The Eagles)


Truer words were never spoken, let alone sung!

From YouTube (Hat-Tip Nick from Care2): "Legitimate Rape" Pharmaceutical Ad (TW)


This shows just how absurd the GOP dogma really is!




  8 Responses to “Open Thread–9/4/2012”

  1. Puzzle — 3:19  I think I had a right number!  The hand is still taped but feeling a lot better!  I wanted to see if I could get my time down and I got it to 2:58.  Have to love numbers!
    MoveOn — Isn't that what 06/11/12 is all about — "…you would not hear of that political party again in our history." as spoken by the Prophet Eisenhower!
    Current — Never were true words spoken!  Other than his admonition to vote for the Democrats, I really like the end frame — "Be a Manic-Progressive".  I was curious who this fellow might be so I googled him.  Here is what Wikipedia had to say:
    David Mills (born January 24, 1959) is an American atheist and an author who argues that science and religion cannot be successfully reconciled.  He is best known for his book Atheist Universe [: The Thinking Person's Answer to Christian Fundamentalism] which was published in 2004.  In his book The God Delusion, evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins cites Mills' writings as "admirable work."   Mills claims in his books to rebut both young- and old-earth creation science, as well as Intelligent Design. 
    YouTube — Excellent and very poignant.  "This shows just how absurd the GOP dogma really is!"  No kidding!  Kudos to Nick!
    Cartoon — Looks familiar.  Too many sheep went off the cliff 4 years ago resulting in a 'do nothing Congress'.  I sure hope that the sheep are not into being fleeced again, because when the big climate change bang comes, we might need all the wool we can get!

  2. I guess I'm a manic progressive. Love the song!
    So illegitimate rape doesn't prevent conception according to RepublicanT scientists?
    Please don't be sheople and follow th eGOP over the cliff.

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