Sep 042012

When I read the Republican Party platform, some of it actually sounded fairly good, until I considered the infinite gulf between what Republicans say and what Republicans do.  This morning I got up early to read the Democratic Party platform and found it refreshingly in line with actual Democratic policy.

4demlogoplatDemocrats unveiled a party platform at their national convention Monday that echoes President Barack Obama’s call for higher taxes on wealthier Americans while backing same-sex marriage and abortion rights.

Delegates will vote Tuesday to adopt the platform that reflects the president’s argument that his work is unfinished and he deserves another four years to complete the job.

‘‘Today, our economy is growing again, al-Qaeda is weaker than at any point since 9/11, and our manufacturing sector is growing for the first time in more than a decade. But there is more we need to do, and so we come together again to continue what we started,’’ the platform said.

The document is a sharp contrast from the Republican blueprint that the GOP adopted at its convention last week. The Republican plan would ban abortion and gay marriage, repeal Obama’s health care overhaul law and shift Medicare into a voucher-style program.

Democrats acknowledged that divergent views.

‘‘This election is not simply a choice between two candidates or two political parties, but between two fundamentally different paths for our country and our families,’’ the Democrats said… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Boston Globe>

This article goes on to give an analysis of the platform that is well worth reading, or you can download the Democratic Party platform here.

I trust that unless you are in the 1%, a corporate criminal, a hate monger, or trying to impose your religious dogma by force on those who want nothing to do with it, you will find the Democratic Platform far superior to the Republican.


  9 Responses to “Democrats Release Party Platform”

  1. I read both– IMO- the Repug is unacceptable on every level–The Democratic is in line with practice -fair and well balanced-

  2. The platforms of both parties say so much about how they feel about governing and the American people.
    If you care about our country you will vote Obama/Biden in for 4 More Years!

  3. The platform is much what I expected.  But I have to say I expected more on the economy and 'jobs, jobs, jobs'.  One area I had to chuckle over was defense.  The following was the sum total mentioned in the Globe, which is nothing more than criticism of Mr Obama with no real policy statement.  Having said that, their actual document might read differently.
    "Republicans, in their platform, criticize the Obama administration as holding weak positions toward such countries as North Korea, China and Iran and for reductions in military spending."
    The two view points are as different as night and day.  Personally, were I American, I would definitely vote Democratic because there is concern for people, the American people throughout.  The Republican/Teabagger platform is just another oligarchic fairytale, reminiscent of Russian policy in its tenor.
    BTW, did everybody catch Michelle Obama's speech.  I didn't but read the text and it is definitely worth reading — heartfelt, honest, no airs.  Here's a link:

  4. Everyone is frightened now about the state of the economy.  Some think that our president has failed us because they haven't seen any dramatic changes.  These people don't understand that  changes take time!  It didn't take the Republicans ONE term to get us into this mess.  Give Obama the time it will take to turn things around! 

    • Welcome, Becca. 🙂

      You make an excellent point!

    • AMEN Becca!!!  I was saying that too a year ago!  Unfortunately, too many people are into the 'instant gratification' mode and the faster is better idea.  Just look at the growth of the fast food food industry — McDonald's with their drive thru windows etc..  As you said, it takes time to get into a mess, and even longer to untangle the mess to get out.  Then add an obstructionist Republican/Teabagger Congress, and well, we all know or should know the outcome — nothing gets fixed quickly or even at all!

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