Obama Blasts Romney at NALEO

 Posted by at 11:52 am  Politics
Jun 232012

Willard Romney has a problem with the Latino community.  He want’s them to vote for him, so he tried to etch his sketch into making them think that his family were Mexican immigrants too, but his family always was Anglo. His grandfather expatriated to live in a Mormon polygamy commune, when the practice was banned here.  His father, having only one wife, returned.  He is no Latino and pretending to be one could not be more insultingly patronizing.  He also needs them to ignore all his policies.  With Romney in such a vulnerable position, Obama simply shredded him.

23NALEOPresident Barack Obama continued to try to lock up the Hispanic vote Friday when he spoke before the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials at Disney World.

The president told the group the U.S. needs a comprehensive immigration solution and that as long as he is president, he “will not give up the fight” to reform immigration laws.

Through a series of moves, including last week’s policy change to stop deporting some illegal immigrants, President Obama is slowly galvanizing the support of Hispanic communities behind his re-election campaign.

The immigration initiative drew fire from Republicans over the policy and because they perceived the move as being an end-run around Congress, which has been stuck in gridlock for most of the last two years.

As Obama was speaking, a new poll from Latino Decisions gave the President more good news from the Hispanic community. Overall, the Latino Decisions poll found Obama lead Romney 63-27 among Latino Voters in the states of Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Nevada, and Virginia….

Inserted from <CBS>

Here is the complete video of Obama’s speech.

He thoroughly debunked the Republican lie that he did not give them an opportunity to work with him toward a bipartisan solution for law abiding immigrants brought here as minors.  For Republicans bipartisanship means we bend over and grab our ankles, while they do the rest.  He outlined the many times Democrats have tried to implement comprehensive immigration reform, while Republicans filibustered and blocked it.

Ed Schultz discussed the speech with Eugene Robinson and Darren Soto.

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That just about says it all.

Romney supports Papers Please, has promised to veto the Dream Act, proposes self-deportation, and panders to bigots, nativists, racists, and white supremacists at every opportunity.  A Latino would have to be loco to vote for him, but then so would a woman, a black, an LGBT person, a worker, a student, a senior, and everyone else, except millionaires, billionaires, corporate criminals and hatemongers.


  12 Responses to “Obama Blasts Romney at NALEO”

  1. Even their sainted Ronald Reagan supported AMNESTY for Immigrants – even ILLEGAL ones It was during one of the Mondale-Reagan Debates when Reagan:  

    “I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and who have lived here, even though some time back they may have entered illegally.”


  2. I am proud of President Obamas stand- glad to see him fighting back – It Is the "Right thing to do "!

  3. " For Republicans bipartisanship means we bend over and grab our ankles, while they do the rest."
    I'm tired of doing this and without even a kiss… 'O'

  4. I question the intelligence of anybody who's for the right-wing in any way, shape, or form. I just found a lovely 19-minute video on Youtube which shows Romney's switch hitting. I posted it on FB asking anybody who is for Romney exactly which Romney they're for. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_pgfWK3sxw&feature=player_embedded I STRONGLY support voting for Obama even if you hate his guts. Just think of the alternative to really churn up some vomit. Even if the President has been too accommodating in the past, I think he's finally over that desire for non-partisan decisions. I think he waited too long, but I have hopes he'll push back in his second term. I sure as hell wish he pushed back harder in his first term. It worries me that so many progressive and left-leaning folks are even thinking about staying out of the contest. We, as a nation, cannot afford a Romney presidency. 

  5. "… a new poll from Latino Decisions gave the President more good news from the Hispanic community. Overall, the Latino Decisions poll found Obama lead Romney 63-27 among Latino Voters in the states of Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Nevada, and Virginia…." — Rick Scott isn't going to like this one bit.  Bet he'll ramp up the purges, DOJ and court orders be damned!  And Arizona, . . . my guess is that Arpaio and his thugs are going on an arresting spree!  Wouldn't even surprise me if they hung out at the polling stations, frisking certain people and tieing the up so they can't vote!
    If, as I previously read, Rmoney needs 31% of the Latino vote in order to win the election, I think he just lost!  Any self-respecting Latino voter will vote Democrat.  Those that vote Republican/Teabagger are either part of the 1%, delusional, on drugs, or just plain nuts!
    And Rmoney's refusal to articulate his position on the Dream Act, support it or rescind it? is just more of the same old Rmoney!  Be vague, the low-effort thinkers won't ask questions, and I can't be held accountable one way or the other.
    Vote Democrat 2012!!!!!     Vote Obama/Biden 2012!!!!!

    • Lynn, indeed he should need 31% of the Latino vote to win, but on the 2nd Tuesday in November, all such rules go out the window.

  6. So, Rmoney's family paid a coyote to smuggle them across the boarder so they could illegally get into the USA??? He's an immigrant like I am!

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