Does Romney’s Math Stink?

 Posted by at 11:48 am  Politics
Jun 182012

The more Willard Romney reveals about his plans to extend the economic policies of GW Bush, the more unlikely his predictions appear.  Why?  It’s simple. 1 + 1 <> 3.  Romney’s math appears so bad, that he has experts scratching their heads in consternation.  Does Romney’s math stink?  I think it’s something else.

18RomneyMathMitt Romney’s pledge to massively increase military spending — close to a $2 trillion increase over the next ten years and boosting the Pentagon’s base budget to 4 percent of GDP — combined with his promises to cuts taxes and reduce the national debt is leaving many national security and defense experts scratching their heads, particularly because the presumptive GOP presidential nominee has not said how he’d pay for it.

A poll of defense budget experts conducted by Defense News finds that Romney’s pledge to grow the defense budget “appears politically impossible, if technically doable.”

Todd Harrison, a senior fellow for defense budget studies at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments said about Romney’s plan:

If you put all of the promises together, it doesn’t all add up. The administration may change, but the math remains the same. Harrison said. If you want to increase spending on defense over the next decade and reduce the deficit, then that necessarily means sharp reductions in Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid or sharp increases in taxes, or some combination of the two.

Indeed, previous increases in defense costs, specifically those incurred by wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, were largely paid for by increasing the deficit instead of through reductions in domestic spending or raising taxes… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

I have no doubt that, while bullying weaker kids at his private schools for the super-rich, Willard also learned how to add and subtract.  Furthermore, in his days as a vulture capitalist, he demonstrated professional skill at calculating profits to be made by firing American workers and shipping their jobs overseas.  So Romney’s math does not stink.  Consider first that Romney is a Republican, and then, that Romney is Romney, and the answer becomes obvious.  He’s lying, as usual.


  11 Responses to “Does Romney’s Math Stink?”

  1. How do we know Mittens is lying ?? His mouth is open– the man is simply not capable of truth telling— He is not stupid nor is he a fool– he is plain and simple a liar-

  2. I agree with Phyllis, "How do we know Mittens is lying ?? His mouth is open–"

  3. and when his mouth is closed, the lies leak out of his nostrils

  4. To a comment made on another site, I replied:

    "I really wonder if Mitt is actually lying or just as poorly informed …"

    Remember Mr Obama's pledge to close Gitmo? He couldn't honour that commitment because Congress made it impossible by legislating that none of the prisoners were allowed on US soil.   But unfortunately, there are still people out there that say Mr Obama lied by not honouring his promise.   Never mind that it was beyond his control.

    I figure that Rmoney is purposely trying to say nothing of consequence so he can't be held accountable. Additionally, if he says too much, The Dems might actually get a blow in and sink his ship. I also think he is hoping that Americans are to lazy to demand answers before the election. After the election, if he is elected, he'll slowly unravel the plans.

    In short, he is LYING!!!

  5. He and his lousy math both stink to high heaven!

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