Jun 162012

The official name of the event Switch Hit Mitt will be attending is the Faith and Freedom Coalition conference, but faith cannot be expressed as hatred and there is no freedom in the lock-step forced dogma of pseudo-Christian legalism.  Please do not think that I am disrespecting Christians.  I am not.  Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians do not follow the teaching or example of Christ and have nothing in common with authentic Christianity.

republican_jesusThe presumptive GOP presidential nominee, those who waged a hard-fought primary against him and those hoping to be tapped as his running mate will grace the same stage at Washington’s Renaissance Hotel this week for the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s conference and strategy briefing. (Pseudo-Christians delinked)

The social conservative group, headed by former Christian Coalition executive director Ralph Reed, kicks off its annual summit Thursday afternoon with luncheon speeches by two potential Mitt Romney running mates, Sens. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.).

The gathering is one of two major social conservative conferences considered campaign-trail “must-stops” for GOP White House contenders; the other is the Family Research Council’s Values Voter Summit (Pseudo-Christians delinked), which takes place in Washington in the fall.

Friday and Saturday bring speeches by several of Romney’s former opponents, including former House speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.), businessman Herman Cain and former senator Rick Santorum (R-Pa.).

Romney himself addresses the gathering on Saturday morning…

Inserted from <Washington Post>

Martin Bashir and Frank Schaeffer take on this pseudo-Christian hypocrisy.

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I guess the bottom line is that pseudo-Christians hatred of Obama, outweighs their hatred of Mormons.


  4 Responses to “Romney at Hate and Bondage Conference”

  1. "I guess the bottom line is that pseudo-Christians hatred of Obama, outweighs their hatred of Mormons"
    Sad indeed…

  2. I saw the term 'Klu Klux Kristian' a while back used in reference the the fanatical rightwing evangelical Christians, or supply-side pseudo Christians, and I thought how appropriate. Both KKKs have deep seeded hatred, bigotry, racism and rightwing evangelical supply-side pseudo Christianity (described as Christian terrorism in Wikipedia in an article on the Klu Klux Klan) at their core.  In addition, the Klu Klux Kristians are homophobic, anti-science, and support the Republican/Teabagger war on women.
    I also did some additional reading on Ralph E Reed, Jr and his somewhat checkered past as a leader in the Christian Coalition  and other like organisations before moving to the Faith and Freedom Coalition .  Talk about criminal.
    Frank Schaeffer  referred to the Faith and Freedom Coalition as rightwing anti Obama politics mascarading as faith, and then went on to mention American sharia law (the war on women – bondage – the enforcement of Christian doctrine) mascarading as freedom.  The more I listened and read, the more I am convinced that supply-side pseudo Christianity can appropriately be called Klu Klux Kristianity.  Given its deep seeded hatred, bigotry, and racism , the Klu Klux Kristians have never met the real Jesus, the Jesus of love and compassion.
    "I guess the bottom line is that the pseudo-Christians' hatred of Obama, outweighs their hatred of Mormons." which is a truly sorry state of affairs.  These KKKs are about bringing a theocracy to the US, one based on the KKK principles, and in total violation of the 1st amendment of the constitution.  If anyone has declared war on religion, it is this KKK who would force their far rightwing evangelical beliefs on the nation rather than having freedom of or from religion.  These KKK must be exposed to the light of reason and shown for what they are — charlatans.  Mr Obama has not declared war on religion.

    • In many cases that certainly is fitting.

      Most Talibangelists do have interesting backgrounds.


      Of course he hasn't.  He's even continued some faith-based service initiatives started under Bush.

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