Jun 022012

If one obviously Republican supporting newspaper in central Louisiana can be believed [NOT!], there is a heinous conspiracy afoot.  The perpetrators are, of course, the evil anti-American, Muslim, communist, nazi, socialist, Kenyan, Barack HUSSEIN Obama and the Democrat Party.  The plot is to shoot Catholics and Christians.


The Daily Advertiser [RWNJ delinked], a Gannett-owned paper serving central Louisiana, is standing by its decision to run an advertisement today in which a far-right extremist group suggests that President Obama and Democrats are conspiring to murder Catholics and Christians.

The ad shows a photograph of a Catholic priest who was shot and killed in Mexico in the 1920s, and suggests that President Obama and Democrats would do the same. It was posted by a user on Reddit this morning.

The ad copy is no better:

AMERICA is under siege by the same evil (obama and democrats) as history shows over and over…We must learn from it or we are doomed to repeat it. We must be triumphant over terror.”

As with most newspapers, The Daily Advertiser says it does screen advertisements to ensure that blatantly false, overly offensive or otherwise inappropriate content is kept out of the paper. But the paper’s president and publisher Karen J. Lincoln told ThinkProgress that the newspaper stood by its decision to run the ad… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

If that is screened to ensure that blatantly false, overly offensive or otherwise inappropriate content is kept out of the paper, then I’m a beauty queen.

They forgot the 11th Commandment:

Thou shalt not commit Teabuggery!


  16 Responses to “Obama’s So-called Plot to Murder Christians”

  1. More Bull feathers !!   Fr Vera was killed by firing squad during the anti-Catholic Troubles in Mexico during the 1920-1930  ; the only truth in this crap–

  2. OR, shall we make Priests, etc. REGISTER as foreign agents?

    “The Foreign Agents Registration Act is a United States law (22 U.S.C. § 611 et seq.) passed in 1938 requiring that agents representing the interests of foreign powers in a “political or quasi-political capacity” disclose their relationship with the foreign government and information about related activities and finances. The purpose is to facilitate “evaluation by the government and the American people of the statements and activities of such persons.” The law is administered by the FARA Registration Unit of the Counterespionage Section (CES) in the National Security Division (NSD) of the United States Department of Justice.[1] As of 2007 the Justice Department reported there were approximately 1,700 lobbyists representing more than 100 countries before Congress, the White House and the federal government.”


  3. I can’t believe that Gannett isn’t all over this publisher for allowing such a ridiculous ad to be published!

  4. TC — “If that is screened to ensure that blatantly false, overly offensive or otherwise inappropriate content is kept out of the paper, then I’m a beauty queen.” —- As much as I luvs you TC, you ain’t no beauty queen! . . . but you have a beautiful soul!

    Since I am not a Roman Catholic and had never heard of Father Francisco Vera, I did a little research.  He was killed by firing squad in 1927 during the Cristero War in Mexico for the crime of being a Roman Catholic priest and celebrating the mass.  Plutarco Elías Calles was the Mexican President at the time and an atheist, steep in atheism at his uncle’s knee.  Although popular with labour unions etc, ones you might expect to be in line with the RC care of the poor, Calles extreme atheism got the better of him.  As so many things are, it sounds as though Calles was all about accruing power to himself, and saw the priests standing in his way.

    How any well minded person could connect Mr Obama to the killing of ‘Christians and Catholics’ is beyond me.  They can’t even get their information correct since Roman Catholics are Christians.  Additionally, Mr Obama is a Christian as well — I believe Methodist.  Where is the connection to the Cristero War of Mexico?

    I can only conclude that the separation of church and state, something put into the Constitution by the founding fathers to PROTECT all Americans, regardless of belief, is anathema to these lunatics.  They are clearly from the ranks of low-effort thinking Americans who tune in to Faux Noise for their daily dose of opiate ‘news’!  Fischer has advocated for ‘bible based’ laws.  The Republican/Teabaggers are conducting social wars against women, the poor, the LGBT community, the elderly and disabled and using fanatical evangelical Christianity (not the real Jesus based Christianity) as a club to beat them with.  This is all about power and greed!  Teabuggery at its finest! (NOT!!!!!)

    • Lynn, I agree completely.  A fanatic atheist and a Republican Supply-side pseudo Christian are equally dangerous, because both believe that their beliefs are the only way for all.  That Republicans have given extremists such a central role is horrific!

  5. Would someone please snatch the keys to the asylum back from these right-wing nut jobs?

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