May 202012

House Speaker John Boehner, aka Agent Orange, has said that the Republican War on Women is a Democratic myth.  Presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Willard Romney, aka Switch Hit Mitt, claims that the Republican party is extremely pro woman.  Have a load of that to fertilize your veggies.  The Republican War on Women is real.

20WoWDespite the persistent gender gap in opinion polls and mounting criticism of their hostility to women’s rights, Republicans are not backing off their assault on women’s equality and well-being. New laws in some states could mean a death sentence for a pregnant woman who suffers a life-threatening condition. But the attack goes well beyond abortion, into birth control, access to health care, equal pay and domestic violence.

Republicans seem immune to criticism. In an angry speech last month, John Boehner, the House speaker, said claims that his party was damaging the welfare of women were “entirely created” by Democrats. Earlier, the Republican National Committee chairman, Reince Priebus, sneered that any suggestion of a G.O.P. “war on women” was as big a fiction as a “war on caterpillars.”

But just last Wednesday, Mr. Boehner refuted his own argument by ramming through the House a bill that seriously weakens the Violence Against Women Act. That followed the Republican push in Virginia and elsewhere to require medically unnecessary and physically invasive sonograms before an abortion, and Senate Republicans’ persistent blocking of a measure to better address the entrenched problem of sex-based wage discrimination.

On Capitol Hill and in state legislatures, Republicans are attacking women’s rights in four broad areas… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NY Times>

Those four areas are Abortion, access to health care, equal pay and domestic violence.  I urge you to click through to the source article for how Republicans pursue their war on women in each of those four areas.


  8 Responses to “The Republican War on Women is Real”

  1. Through the aid of modern medicine, you can actually view an Ultrasound of the “Elephant in the Womb” (I love those puns)

    I wholeheartedly endorse the sentiments expressed in a responding  Comment in a NY Time’s Op-Ed on abortion and state-mandated Ultrasounds (not limited to the equivalent of rape, as the Repubican-favored transvaginal ones are):

    Why don’t gun buyers have to follow the same rules women are forced to follow? Wait 48 hours after applying. View on ultrasound of a body with a bullet in it. Listen to the heartbeat of someone as they die of a gunshot wound. Get a lecture from a surgeon on what it is like to operate on a gunshot wound. After all that, if a person still wants a gun, he or she can buy one. Why should buying a gun be any easier than having an abortion?

    • Wonderful pic, Nameless.  To be equivalent, wouldn’t the gun buyer have to shove the gun up his arse, before he could buy it?

  2. This is real folks- it seriously undermines every aspect of women’s health  welfare and social futures : They are serious and well aware of what they are doing ; The outcome of this will affect every woman alive and yet to be born-

    It is very scary to me- and should be to every woman- and to every man who loves and respects the women in his life..- Wife- Mother- daughter- sister- girlfriend-partner-;  every woman – in every role-

    Again– They are serious AND they are fighting a battle for Control—just remember women only won the right to vote less than 100 years ago—- Our right to access health care , protect ourselves, to decide our futures , be paid for our work  To control our bodies– will be first—- the other rights we enjoy , will be on the line–

    I have been married for 55 years- when I got married  I could not have a credit card in my own name- I could not buy and own property , I had no credit rating– it belonged to my husband– even tho in my family – I paid the bills– I could go on and on— oh yes– I could not have surgery without his consent—-that includes any and all gynecological  procedures—abortion was illegal of course–  birth control was not efficient–the pill- a godsend,  came on the market not long after my 5th child was born– 5th and last-! There are a million little and big things that have changed during my lifetime–

    Equal pay and opportunity–subject of another rant——


  3. The Rushpubliscums have a pathological hatred of women who aren’t totally subservient. They can tolerate women like Klan Brewer because they serve the “useful idiot” role. But any woman showing signs of independent thought (like Murkowski, who is a horrid person in just about every aspect of her political life) will be dealt with swiftly.

  4. The Republican/Teabagger war on women is no myth, Democratic or otherwise.  To perpetuate the notion that it is a myth is a disservice to all Americans and the Republican/Teabaggers will reap the rewards of their perfidy in November 2012!  Women especially will ROAR in November 2012!

    Vote Democrat 2012!!!!!  Vote Obama/Biden 2012!!!!!

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