May 202012

Yesterday was another bad air day, but I’m still going.  I’m putting off my errands until after the blog is up.  I’m current on replies.  Tomorrow I have to prepare a meeting plan for Tuesday’s volunteer work in prison.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:33 (average 5:20).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: What Have We Gained (And Lost) In The Two Years Since Obamacare Was Enacted?


Republicans are desperate that Americans don’t learn about this, let alone the parts yet to come.

From MSNBC: JP Morgan Chase and the Dark Markets


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This is the best explanation of this Bankster scandal that I have encountered.

From NY Times: Leaders of the world’s richest countries banded together on Saturday to press Germany to back more pro-growth policies to halt the deepening debt crisis in Europe, as President Obama for the first time gained widespread support for his argument that Europe, and the United States by extension, cannot afford Chancellor Angela Merkel’s one-size-fits-all approach emphasizing austerity.

Merkel, whose party has lost six out of the last seven state elections to social democrats, is backing down. Now only US Republicans, and Canadian conservatives, are pushing this failed policy.




  7 Responses to “Open Thread–5/20/2012”

  1. From MoveOn: What Have We Gained (And Lost) In The Two Years Since Obamacare Was Enacted?

    Two more years until HCR is fully in the books….

  2. “Republicans are desperate that Americans don’t learn about this, let alone the parts yet to come.”

    From MSNBC: JP Morgan Chase and the Dark Markets

    Another bank Bailout???

  3. MoveOn — Ok, I only see wins for the American people.  The only loss I see is if one is Republican/Teabagger, and even then it is an ideological loss only, since even Republican/Teabaggers reap the benefits of Obamacare!  Pouty little Republican/Teabaggers need a permanent timeout in political obscurity.

    JP Morgan Chase and the Dark Markets — One more indication that the Too Big to Fail banks need to be broken up and regulations put in place to prevent, or at least mitigate, large losses.  For every winner there is a loser in these deals, in this case,  JP Morgan Chase.  And while perhaps it was not the taxpayer that lost, shareholders lost, some of which may have been pension funds etc.  Obviously too, one individual had too much authority and I suspect, at the very least, is in the breadline.

    Failed Austerity Policies — Trust Harper and his harlots to be oblivious to the failure of austerity measures.  Merkel is paying big time with political capital for her ‘one size fits all’ austerity programme, and Sarkozy has already paid dearly with the loss of his government.  Harper is so arrogant that he will not likely say ‘uncle’ until Canada is in the world’s gutter.

    Cartoon — Being only 9 years old at the time and comfortable in my Wonder bread white society, I remember hearing of the marches etc in the US, mostly the south.  I never understood why anyone would be discriminated against because I was raised to believe that all were equal, even if society around me was predominately white.  I never did like white bread and found multi-grain bread much more to my liking, and still do.  Thank you to all those who fought against segregation, some even giving their lives, the ultimate price, to show the value and rightness of a multi-grain society.  You helped further shape my ideas and perspective of freedom for all.

  4. 3:56  It probably helps being a vegetarian.

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