Match Set in Fitzwalkerstan

 Posted by at 11:43 am  Politics
May 092012

Yesterday, Democrats in the Totalitarian Corporate Plutocracy of Fitzwalkerstan, formerly Wisconsin, chose the candidate to end the political career of Fartfuhrer Scott Walker.  In less than a month local heroes have an excellent opportunity to overthrow Fitzwalkerstan and restore Wisconsin.

9BarrettThe candidates may be the same, but Wisconsin isn’t.

In the tumultuous 18 months since Republican Scott Walker defeated Democrat Tom Barrett in the 2010 governor’s race, Wisconsin has been rocked with massive protests over workers’ rights, recall elections over a contentious union rights law and a partisan divide that’s strained families and friendships.

Now, Walker and Barrett are headed for a rematch.

Barrett, the mayor of Milwaukee since 2004, easily won the Democratic primary Tuesday and will take on Walker in the June 5 recall election. Walker defeated Barrett by 125,000 votes, or 5 percentage points, in 2010 as part of a GOP sweep into power that also saw them take the Legislature and knock off Democratic U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold.

The recall drive was sparked when Walker and Republicans passed a law that effectively ended collective bargaining rights for most public workers and forced them to pay more for health insurance and pension benefits. Walker contends the moves were necessary to help balance a state budget shortfall of $3.6 billion, while Democrats argue the law’s primary purpose was to eviscerate the unions, which tend to back their party… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Huffington Post>

Rachel Maddow covered this and other election news.

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When the Fartfuhrer defeated Barrett in 2010, Walker was running on what he said he would do.  That has nothing whatsoever in common with what he actually did after the election.  That is the key difference.  Congratulations to Barrett and all the other Democrats challenging the Republican Regime on June 5.


  13 Responses to “Match Set in Fitzwalkerstan”

  1. There is Hope–!!!

  2. I sure hope that Barrett wins!

    What happened in Wisconsin is deplorable. It’s almost as bad as what is happening in Michigan!

    This state is notorious for their election tricks by one or more vote commissioners, so hope there is someone watching over her shoulder!  The people have raised so very many petitions and I’m sure that they will all be voting for Barrett.

    Walker is a Koch brothers puppet and ran on false issues. I hope he gets beaten  so bad that he will quit trying to spoil politics with his dirty tricks.

    • “When the Fartfuhrer defeated Barrett in 2010, Walker was running on what he said he would do.  That has nothing whatsoever in common with what he actually did after the election.”

      Scott Walker is Funded by the Koch Brothers and I look for the Recall of this Koch Sucker… sarcasm

    • Welcome Pam! 🙂

      I fully agree.  Herr Schneider and his city managers are the worst thing to happen to democratic values since the 1930s.

      I hope so too!

  3. As I said yesterday, may the best man win the Governor’s chair!  Since it is between a man, Tom Barrett, and a rabid weasel, Scott Walker, in one month’s time, people will address Tom Barrett as Governor Barrett.

    I know, the Federation of Weasels and the American Humane Society are coming after me!

  4. Surely the people of Wisconsin have had enough of Walker!

  5. Wisconsin is experiencing buyer’s remorse. Let’s hope they have the smarts to vote Walker out this time.

  6. What about all the Far Wrong weirdos and puppets of the 1% in the other 49–or in Washington? What about the fable that buying the government is “free speech”?

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