Can Walker Buy the Vote?

 Posted by at 11:50 am  Politics
May 032012

Over in the Totalitarian Corporate Plutocracy of Fitzwalkerstan, formerly Wisconsin, Fartfuhrer Scott Walker is desperate to hold onto his office in the upcoming recall election on June 5.  He has been spending money hand over fist to forestall his well deserves fate.  But despite record expenditures, he has not progressed in the polls, even though his Democratic opponent will not be chosen until Tuesday.

WalkerKochThe headlines in Wisconsin are all about the $25 million dollar man — Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. Walker’s campaign committee has raised an eye-popping $25 million for the recall, $13 million since January 2012 when close to 1 million signatures were filed with the Wisconsin elections board triggering a recall election. Walker spent a huge sum $5 million on direct mail, rivaling the $4.5 million spent on TV. The direct mail allows him to build a national data base of funders to tap for the recall.

In total, Walker has spent $20,854,000, more money than any candidate in any race in Wisconsin history. "Wisconsin’s never seen anything like this kind of money," said Jay Heck, executive director of Common Cause in Wisconsin. "This is all to persuade a relatively tiny universe of undecided voters. It’ll be the highest cost per voter spent in the history of the nation in terms of the cost of persuading people."

Walker’s opponents have barely scratched the surface. Former Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk has raised $977,000; Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett has raised $831,500, Secretary of State Doug LaFollette $118,000, Wisconsin Senator Kathleen Vinehout, $44,000. Arthur Kohl-Riggs, who is running against Walker in the Republican primary, has raised little over $2,000.

Combined, the opposition candidates barely raised $2 million. Despite Walker having spent more than ten times than his opponents have raised, a poll released today from Marquette Law School shows him in a dead heat with Barrett, who entered the race just one month ago… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <PRWatch>

I encourage you to click through for the rest of this article, because it is excellent, and it also includes a list of the Fartfuhrer’s mega-donors.

Here’s part of the reason I don’t think Walker will succeed.

Here’s more from Rachel Maddow.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

I salute the heroes of Wisconsin,whose courage and dedication, who are forging the way to turn Fitzwalkerstan back into Wisconsin.


  13 Responses to “Can Walker Buy the Vote?”

  1. Only the Badger State Pharaoh has managed to fully implement the Koch agenda; they’ve been dealt some serious blows in Ohio and Michigan. We can now see plain as day how well the Koch vision for the economy “works.” This is going to be a hard thing for Walker’s minions to get around, no matter how much money Charles and David pump into his campaign.

  2. Based on the info in the video about Walker, Fitzwalkerstan, aka Wisconsin, has lost 1,400 jobs more than all the other noted states combined!  Additionally, he has increased middle income and lower income taxes while at the same time giving tax breaks to corporations.  So much for Republican/Teabagger rhetoric about corporations being the job creators!  Fitzwalkerstan is a microcosm of the US under a Republican/Teabagger plutocracy. 

    People all over the country need to see this simple video and ask themselves “Is this happening in my state?  What is happening in my state?  Will this likely happen with a federal Republican/Teabagger victory in November?”  But are people willing to look more closely and challenge what is happening, or are they glued to Faux Noise?  Are most people low-effort thinkers, or are they willing to do some digging for correct information?

    As I said in my post yesterday for ‘Income Inequality IS the GOP Plan’

    I find it interesting reading various posts that Americans like their freedom.  But with freedom comes responsibility and that is the part where people fall down.  People in general do not take seriously their own role in government — that of listening, questioning, suggesting, holding political feet to the fire.  They go about their business until election time and then bitch and whine!  Well get involved!  Vote Democrat 2012!!!  Vote Obama/Biden 2012!!! … and hold your Representative’s and Senator’s feet to the fire!

    It may not be easy, but it is necessary.  I, as a Canadian, am no different than you.  I am becoming more politically aware than I was, thanks partly to TomCat’s blog, but more so due to my disgust with the political mayhem of Harper and his harlots.  Don’t be low-effort thinkers, ready for spoon feeding of political pablum.  Get out there and make a difference in your lives!  It can be tiring, but what a high!

  3. This should be the real test of how strong (or weak) the true forces of democracy are in this country. That smug, Koch-sucking Walker must be absolutely BURIED in this recall election, never to arise again.

  4. The same guy who thought state workers were making too much money with their unions, which helped them get a living wage, now spends eleven million dollars to keep his job.  Ironic, isn’t it?   After he is recalled let’s see if we can find a way to have Ryan and McConnell and Boehner recalled.

  5. I hope the Koch-sucker bleeds his masters dry in his attempt to hang onto his job as head puppet in WI.

    I am of the mind that the WI voters have seen his true colors and will oust the dirty bastid

  6. The key to getting rid of Walker?

    GOTV!  Get Out the Vote!

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