Mar 022012

Yesterday I still felt well short of 100%, but I just wasn’t willing to get further behind.  If I had to be sick, I picked a good week, because the prison cancelled both volunteer days this week, due to venue scheduling conflicts.  I’m current with replies, but took big shortcuts to get there.  Today I’ll try to catch up with my email.

Jig Zone Puzzles (5):

Monday’s took me 3:42 (4:52 average).  To do it, click here.  Tuesday’s took me 4:40 (5:50 average).  To do it, click here.  Wednesday’s took me 5:15 (6:25 average).  To do it, click here.  Yesterday’s took me 3:50 (4:35 average).  To do it, click here.  Today it took me 3:50 (average 4:32).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From CNN: Andrew Breitbart, the conservative blogger whose posting of a sexually explicit photo of former U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner led to the congressman’s downfall, has died, his attorney confirmed Thursday.

He was 43.

Early in life I learned to never speak ill if the dead, but for every rule there is an exception.  While I would not wish death on anyone, I would be a liar not to say that the world has become just a little less vile.  Nevertheless, condolences to any who might have loved him.

From Washington Post: Montana’s chief federal judge said Wednesday that he forwarded an email that contained a joke involving bestiality and President Barack Obama’s mother, but he did so because he dislikes the president and not because he’s racist.

Judge Richard Cebull, of Billings, forwarded the email from his chambers to six other people on Feb. 20, The Great Falls Tribune reported.


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Of course he’s not a racist, the Pope is not Catholic, and bears never, ever shit in the woods.

From NY Daily News: Conservative radio host [Rush Limbarf] declared Georgetown Law School’s Sandra Fluke "a slut" for arguing that birth control should be covered by health insurance at religious institutions.

Republicans attack the messenger whenever the message overwhelms them, and do so with unmitigated hatred.




  12 Responses to “Open Thread–3/2/2012”

  1. WRT Andrew Breitbart’s demise, I can easily go with my Mom’s advice that one should only speak good of the dead:
    Good … he’s dead.
    Or go with the quote attributed (wrongfully – but still a great quote) to Mark Twain:
    “I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure.”

    (And would it be wrong for us to demand to see the Long-Form Death Certificate?)

    Not only did Limbaugh call Ms. Fluke a “round-heeled” “slut” and “prostitute” – but yesterday Rushbo demanded that she provide him with porno tapes to watch on his computer:
    LIMBAUGH: So Miss Fluke, and the rest of you Feminazis [sic], here’s the deal. If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, and thus pay for you to have sex. We want something for it. We want you post the videos online so we can all watch.
    [Emphasis was in original posting]
    Ms. Fluke is a third-year Law student at Georgetown, so I’m sure she’s aware of the criteria for slander and defamation torts – I just hope she pursues it!


  2. Breitbart ~ I prefer to stay mute on the subject of his death. I’m sure there are many who will miss him.

    Cebull ~ He just did a no-no!

    Rush is a mysogynist pathetic pervert.

    good cartoon about Blunt.

    It took me a week’s worth of puzzles to beat you this time! I tried to leave the times for you but lost the page.

    • The many who will, aside from his family, can tale a long walk off a short pier.


      That’s a compliment.


      T%hat’s OK.  I take your word fore it. 🙂

  3. “The evil men do lives after them,

    The good is oft interred with their bones.

    So let it be with Breitbart. . . .”

    History will be the judge.

    Condolences to his family for the loss of a loved one, I’m sure they’ll miss him; me, not so much.

  4. Monday — 3:19

    Tuesday — 3:55

    Wednesday — 6:33

    Thursday — 3:46

    Friday — 3:27

    4 out of 5 — not too bad, but you have a good excuse, TomCat.  I took advantage of a sick man.

  5. Rest In Peace… You Piece of…

    2 more Pieces of…    Montana’s Judge & Billing’ Judge,  E-mails about Obama Mama…?



    Thank you ~

  6. Breitbart — Just because I didn’t like him the little I knew and saw, doesn’t mean that others aren’t missing him.  My condolences to his wife and 4 children.

    Here come da judge!  Here come da judge! — Judge Cebull is full of bull!  Not only should he be censured, but he should be removed from the bench!  He is no longer capable of rendering a just decision, if he ever was.  I hope this investigation is not just a whitewash of injustice!

    Of course he’s not a racist, the Pope is not Catholic, and bears never, ever shit in the woods.” — good one TC.  I haven’t heard that one in a long time and it always made me laugh!

    Sandra Fluke — Limbaugh was so far out in left field that he started to encroach on right field.  He is a bombastic idiot that should have his balloon popped!  I hope Sandra Fluke sues him for defamation and wins a big award, not that the money would make a dent in Limbaugh’s bank account.  I think he is too stupid to even take note and any apology that he might utter, wouldn’t be worth the paper it might be written on.  He is too disingenuous.

    Cartoon — Absolutely love the graphic!  I think one of your best!  With all the attention that this is getting, makes me wonder what our attention is being pulled away from!

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