Personal Update–2/28

 Posted by at 12:01 am  Blog News, Personal
Feb 282012

Yesterday I slept the clock around and still feel too poorly to up and about for any length of time, due to COPD flaring.  I’m quite certain this is the aftereffects of last week’s ordeal, so don’t worry.  I’ll just have to see what tomorrow brings.


  8 Responses to “Personal Update–2/28”

  1. In ten years time, when the next one is due, tell them to not go up QUITEso far with that scope.

    Take care and take your time in getting better with plenty of rest … we’ll still be here.
  2. You rest and get back on your feet. You are valuable to us.

  3. I know you feel like your health is in the crapper right now . . .

    but maybe a different perspective will help the healing!

    Look after yourself and we’ll be here!


  4. Check with your Dr. if you haven’t.  COPD patients are more prone to Pneumonia and other upper respiratory infections.  I know I have COPD and have been on Oxygen for 2 years now.

    • Welcome Sandbur. 🙂

      Sorry to hear that.  Thanks.  I have the kind of body awareness that as soon as it shifts to an infection or pneumonia, I tell the doctor what’s wrong.  I’m always right.

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