Feb 082012

Yesterday I overslept again.  I did some of my paperwork done.  I’m current with replies.  Today I have more paperwork and all the housework. 🙁

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:55 (average 4:56).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: The Secret That Haters Just Don’t Get


This is the answer to Republican bigotry.

From Crooks and Liars: Former RNC chairman Michael Steele was on MSNBC’s "NOW with Alex Wagner" this morning and used the Ron Paul "states’ rights defense" to attack gay marriage during a debate on the Prop 8 ruling with Don Choi. But when he was asked by John Heilemann how he would feel if a state passed a law saying he couldn’t marry a white woman, he went into an incoherent and belligerent rant about his skin color making bigotry against gays different from racism against blacks, and used the typical conservative tactic of feigned outrage at even being asked the question. Huh? See, he didn’t appreciate being asked THAT question when trying to justified HIS flawed position. Hey, Michael, racism and bigotry hurt.

Republicans hate prejudice, except when they are the ones using it, which is most the time.  Click through for the video.

From Think Progress: While Catholic leaders and Republicans have distorted the Obama administration’s rule requiring employers to provide contraception at no additional cost, a majority of Americans, including a majority of Catholics, support such a requirement, according to a new poll conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute. The requirement garners support from 55 percent of Americans and 58 percent of Catholics, though the number is slightly lower (52 percent) for Catholic voters.

Sorry GOP.  You can claim religious freedom when the adherents of the religion, you claim to speak for, do not want what you want to enforce!



Note: The pictograph is the Chinese character for hate.


  12 Responses to “Open Thread–2/8/2012”

  1. 4:47 I never thought I’d finish this one!

    Michael Steele is as relevant now as when he was Chair of the RNC. I saw him when he was asked that question and he is so inappropriate whenever asked any LGBT question. He tries not to giggle. Is he in the closet perhaps?

    Most Catholics do not agree with their church’s stand on birth control. If they did, their adherents would still be having families the size of the Duggarts.

    Excellent pictograph of the bigot!

  2. this is such a myth-oriented country it makes me sick! There isn’t one of those issues stated above that isn’t born again from a born again!

  3. Concerning repubicons and their hate-mongering bigotry:

    If you are happy only when you can make others miserable, then not only are you a conservative repubicon … you are a shitty person.

  4.  The Secret That Haters Just Don’t Get — When I first read this, which I think is so true, I was reminded immediately of the following that I saw on Care2 two days ago.

    “Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”

    – Buddha

    “It just makes it illegal to enforce your prejudice and hate.”   Prejudice and hate are the blackness outside the light of the candle flame.  To be so filled with prejudice and hate that a person would deny others means to me that they really don’t like themselves.

    Chairman Steele (“Retired read as Fired”)

    ”Now all of a sudden I’ve got someone who wasn’t a spouse before, that I had no responsibility for, who is now getting claimed as a spouse that I now have financial responsibility for,” Steele told Republicans at the state convention in traditionally conservative Georgia. ”So how do I pay for that? Who pays for that? You just cost me money.”

    And in the traditional old south where women don’t work, or at best are second fiddle to their husbands, who pays for her?  She just cost her husband money!  What a lame ass distortion Steele has woven.  Steele, like all Republican/Teabagger politicians it seems, are nothing more than bigotted people standing ready to tar and feather anyone with whom they don’t agree.

    The Roman Catholic Church and the GOP — A marriage made in heaven! 

    I use the term ‘Roman Catholic’ to distinguish between the universal Christian church which is called liturgically the catholic church or holy catholic church, and the Roman Catholic church which is represented by the Pope et al.  The catholic church includes orthodox, and protestants, coptics etc. 

    The Roman Catholic church needs to come into the 21st century.  The planet cannot sustain the population growth and I would think would be working on quality of life issues first, which in my estimation includes contraception.  Contraception is something that should be universally available, not just for those who can afford it.      

    Cartoon — Perfect!

  5. No matter what a state does, it can only be worse when the federal government does it. What if the feds made it illegal for ANYONE IN ANY STATE to engage in interracial marriage?

    • There’s an easy answer for that, Michael.  As long as Republican’s are kept out of office, there won’t be a problem like that with racism.

      Seriously, one of the Constitutional functions of the federal government is to guarantee the rights of all citizens and safeguard them from abuse at the state level.  Your hypothetical has no historical basis.  In fact the opposite has held true.

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