Jan 182012

Yesterday I went out to run errands.  The cold air set off my COPD.  When I returned my research was repeatedly interrupted by four power failures, so I had a difficult day.  I’m current with replies.  Today I have some paperwork and bookkeeping to do.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:20 (average 6:13).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Chicago Tribune: Several hundred demonstrators with the Occupy movement rallied outside the U.S. Capitol building on Tuesday to denounce what they called the influence of money in Congress.

“It’s important to let people know we’re not going to take it anymore. People are really mad about the way things are going and we want Congress to understand that,” said protester James Cullen, 30, an unemployed social worker from Greenbelt, Maryland.

Bravo!  I just hope they had to foresight to leave CPC members unoccupied.

From Think Progress: The date has been set — Monday, January 23rd – for a third round of demonstrations organized to put pressure on the Obama Administration. The White House is also getting pressure from Congressional Republicans, who slipped a provision into a last-minute tax cut package that forces the President to make a decision on Keystone XL by February 21st. An executive decision could come this week.

I have signed petitions, emailed the White House and called the White House several times to support the demonstrators.  I hope those of you, who cannot demonstrate, do too.

From TPM: Rick Perry said in Monday’s South Carolina debate that Turkey may have been taken over by “Islamic terrorists” based on their ruling Islamic party. The answer came in response to a question over whether Turkey should remain a NATO ally, which Perry said was a conversation worth having.

Turkey is very irate over this and with good reason.  Republican foreign policy is both obscene and insane.

From The Examiner: Jere Brower, his wife Clara, and his 4-year-old daughter Ana, have a very good reason to believe Texas Congressman Ron Paul when he said people view his supporters as “dangerous.”

The 38-year-old Atlanta man and his family have been targeted by militant Ron Paul supporters, one of whom threatened to “kneecap” him, then rape his wife and young daughter.  Mr. Brower said he has also received death threats from supporters of Ron Paul.

Paul and his cult of crazed acolytes are beyond the pale!




  10 Responses to “Open Thread–1/18/2012”

  1. Puzzle — Well I redid yesterday’s and came in 20 seconds undee the average.  We won’t discuss today’s pathetic showing, however it was more difficult.

    OWS — With the successes in Wisconsin, formerly known as Fitzwalkerstan,  the Keystone XL pipeline, the DOJ overturning SC’s new voter laws, OWS during the summer/fall, and others, I believe that people are starting to feel empowered to stand for change.  I’m glad that people are rallying outside the Capitol building to denounce the influence of money in Congress with all parties.  On this score, no party is immune.

    Keystone XL — Well as I understand it the decision is in and the people have won.   Apparently Mr Obama personally called Canada’s PM Harper, our Baby Bush wannabe, to give him the news and Harper was less than pleased and said so.  Harper was still spouting the thousands of jobs lost.  Of course there would have been more jobs here than there, but at what price?

    Rick Perry — I really do wish that Perry would load his brain before he fires off his mouth!  Perry has no idea what he is talking about as Turkey has been involved in helping Israel and trying to moderate the situatioin.  Again, Perry is showing just how little these would be ‘kings’ know about the rest of the world and international affairs.  Perry has almost singlehandedly started a new cold war, and with an ally no less.

    Ron Paul — So this is what can be expected from the kool-aid group.  Brower has a unique perspective having looked carefully at Ron Paul and rejected him for his racist policies.  Smart move!  Like with so many things, and Brower even mentions this, it is the radicals that really make most of the problems.

    I seem to recall in Wisconsin, just as the recall was being started, some people made death threats against some volunteers and threatened to destroy the petitions.  I said then that Walker should be held accountable for the actions of his felonious cohorts, and I feel the same about Paul.  He needs to lower their temperatures fast, diffusing the situation so that nobody is hurt.  This is politics, not warfare.

    Cartoon — I had to look twice at this one.  Figured it was Perry but somehow doesn’t totally look like him.  I certainly would not call him Mr Cool but would agree that he has been drinking too much GOP Kool-aid because his brain has gone to mush!  Now if you want cool, check out my friend below!  He’s got that rugged individualist look.


    • Some days are better than others. 🙂

      I agree.

      You understand correctly.

      Hi brain is loaded.  On what, however is uncertain!

      I agree.

      You understand correctly.  Right wingers have always employed violence to get their way when disinformation failed.

      The man in the cartoon is Jim Jones, cult leader infamous for poisoning his followers with Kool-Aid in the Jonestown massacre.  Republican Kool-Aid is just as poisonous to America.

  2. Occupy will be very busy in NYC over the wk end, actually a demonstration at the Apollo theater on Thurs Eve when Obama comes to visit – then the Corps on Fri and the courts on Sat (or vice versa) – I’ll be there – at least hope so – if my health allows.

    The last debate was so vile that the “Turkey remark was mild” – That state SC is an abomination – and whoever would want to ever set foot in its territory is a wonder to me – I hope the pigs who campaign there and the members of their audience all end up in a sty where they belong – I’ve never witnessed a more abhorrent arrogant racist group in one arena in my life – it even beats the days of King! From Romney’s fat cat attitude to newt and ron’s purely  racist remarks that were cheered by the rednecks attending! What a disgusting exhibition of the worst of amerika!!!! Be happy you missed it!!

  3. 4:36

    I am so sick of the RepublicanTs!

  4. Very interesting …  You can download a full copy (WARNING: It’s huge – 200 pages) of McCain’s “Opposition Research File” on Romney from his 2008 campaign.  It’s in PDF format, and this site (unlike Scribd) does NOT require you to belong to Facebook to download it:


    And Rick Perry, yet again, proves he’s the go-to candidate for repubicans who thought Dubya was just a tad TOO cerebral.

  5. 5:49  I’m so far behind today, the dust has already settled.

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