Jan 182012

When you come right down to it, Republicans are not hard to figure out, if you keep in mind that everything Republicans do is to further one of two key Republican goals.  The first is to transfer wealth from the poor and middle classes to millionaires, billionaires and corporate criminals.  The second is to establish a permanent, election proof, Republican one-party regime to last for 1,000 years.  Republicans keep saying that American voters want to do away with excessive regulation.  This lie serves the first goal.  American voters do not agree.

18moneyThe Post just released a new finding from its new poll that goes directly to the heart of the big argument over capitalism and economic unfairness that will decide Campaign 2012. It finds that a sizable majority sees the current economic system as inherently unfair in a way that favors the wealthy, and sees this as a more serious problem facing America than government regulation of the free market:

What do you think is the bigger problem in this country — unfairness in the economic system that favors the wealthy, or over-regulation of the free market that interferes with growth and prosperity?

Economic unfairness : 55

Market overregulation: 35

Among the 55 percent who see economic unfairness that favors the wealthy as the main problem say Obama is better equipped than a GOP candidate for president to deal with it, 35-15. Not surprisingly, those who see market regulation as the problem overwhelmingly see the GOP candidate as the best equipped to deal with it

The Post polling team gave me a partisan breakdown. Moderates see economic unfairness on behalf of the wealthy as a bigger problem than market overregulation by 59-29. And those who see unfairness as the problem break two to one in support for Obama over the GOPer as the one better positioned to handle it. Independents see economic unfairness as a bigger problem by 52-38 (though they split evenly between Obama and the Republican)… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Washington Post>

Since a clear majority opposes the Republicans’ number one goal, the next step is to educate America that Republicans are responsible for the economic unfairness they oppose.


  9 Responses to “America Opposes Key Republican Goal”

  1. I would say something but it would offend you! You would say I’m totally off topic! but I’ll just say (another thing you worship that I take offense to) $$port$ and where Obama is deciding to make his insult to amerika acceptance of nomination speech that was announced last night – take a look at the name of the god damned stadium!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ll shut up now – before I’m accused of “missing the point”!

    • Lee, you can’t be serious.  Obama had nothing to do with the decision ans it had nothing to do with either sports or the name of the station.  The DNC estimated the size of the audience that will attend, and the stadium in the only venue in the area that has sufficient seating capacity.  You need to calm down my friend.

  2. I’d like to know who the idiots are who think the wealthy are NOT favored.

  3. With poverty at a high (wasn’t the statistic 1.6 million children living in poverty) and the middle class disappearing into the working class, how can anybody deny that economic unfairness is a big problem.  I will use Canada as an example — we have economic unfairness too and the wealthy are getting wealthier while the middle class is shrinking.  But where we differ is in the rate of regulation.  Our financial sector (indeed many sectors) is more regulated than the US sector which has allowed Canada’s economy to not take the big hits that affected the US.  We did take some hits because this is a global economy.  Elizabeth Warren commented that with the advent of Glass-Stegall in the 30’s until it’s repeal, there were no bank failures in the US.  Then came the Savings and Loan crisis, and Enron, and the current crisis.  There has to be meaningful regulation.

    If the Republican/Teabaggers get their way, the US will have less regulation, a bigger wealth divide, and many more people in poverty.  The world will get what appears to be a perpetual recession/depression cycle.

    If anybody thinks that the Republican/Teabaggers are going to be the saviours of the nation, they are sadly mistaken.

    • Lynn, I agree that, although Harper’s Harlots have made a contribution to Canada’s difficulties, that US corporate criminals are more responsible.  See tomorrow’s article on Vulture Capitalism.

  4. The Publicans, the ones at the top anyway, don’t really believe this claptrap either. It’s just “an opiate for the people.” And it works. It appeals to millions, every one of whom thimks (that is not an error) he/she will be the one in many millions to win the lottery. If they win their War on Education, most people will never know there were such things as Glass-Steagal.

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