Open Thread–1/5/2012

 Posted by at 12:00 am  Open Thread, Personal
Jan 052012

Yesterday I was unable to catch the person with whom I intended to work, so I updated the blog software, updated the theme, and took  nap.  I’m current with replies.  Today is up in the air.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 5:01 (average 6:06).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From AP/Google: Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann said Wednesday she’s ending her bid for the Republicans presidential nomination after her last-place finish in Iowa’s leadoff precinct caucuses.

In a funny kind of way, I will miss the opportunity the has provided for humor.

From CBS: Rick Perry on Wednesday said he will take his Republican presidential bid to the South Carolina primaries, despite speculation he would suspend his campaign in the wake of a disappointing fifth-place finish in Tuesday’s Iowa caucuses.

That may have been the shortest campaign suspension in history.

From Daily Kos: If there was any question whether or not Newt Gingrich was serious last night when he hinted at waging a scorched earth campaign against Mitt Romney, he erased it this morning. Just watch the clip above [below here] if you had any doubts.


Can you imagine Gingrich knocking Romney out, and the frothmeister getting the nomination?




  10 Responses to “Open Thread–1/5/2012”

  1. Newty has basically taken the path of self newtering again, rather painfully I’m sure, by his really stupid actions and words.  If he succeeds in being a tempest in a teapot as far as Romney goes, not only will he have successfully newtered his brain, but he will have committed the newter of all newters by wacking the balls right off the Republican/Teabagger party.  I don’t think that Rick Santorum can stand up to Mr Obama.  Newty is a lot like a cat in some ways — cats don’t get mad, they get even — even if it is against their best interest!

    Love the graphic — a “t*ts up” elephant.  May the Republican/Teabaggers rest in peace never to be heard of again!

    Bachmann and Perry — bye! bye!

  2. Nice pic of the Idiot with the Plastic Man!

  3. 4:50  This was a tough one.

  4. 5:16

    Did the Newtster just flush the turd down the toilet with his praise?

  5. Welcome back patty!

    It’s too soon to tell.

  6. Patty, no that was an alligator in the toilet and they had to beat it with a stick t get to go down the toilet while the rest of the canidates have the hersey squirts.

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