Jan 042012

Yesterday I rested, as I did not feel well.  Iowa dominated the news, of course.  I’m current with replies.  Tomorrow I plan to work helping a gent who was just released from prison.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:23 (average 4:38).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From CBS: Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, whose support in Iowa has withered after riding on top of the polls, on Tuesday called former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney a liar who would mislead the American people if elected to the White House – but added that he would still vote for him if Romney won the GOP nomination.

Am I the only one who considers this hypocritical?

From Mediaite: Surging presidential hopeful Rick Santorum is under fire for a remark at a campaign event Sunday in Sioux City, Iowa, where he apparently brought up the plight of black people completely out of the blue. Or did he?

According to reports, Santorum said ”I don’t want to make black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money. I want to give them the opportunity to go out and earn the money and provide for themselves and their families.”

Why single out black people? They just can’t hide that hateful Republican racism.

From Christian Science Monitor: The Pentagon appears to be on the cusp of abandoning a long-held strategic principle: that the US military should have the ability to wage two conventional wars simultaneously.

US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta is expected to announce the results of a large-scale strategic overview Thursday that will instead call for the military to be able to fight one large conventional war, and act as a “spoiler” for potential enemies in any other conflict that might crop up.

The US has not had the ability to wage two simultaneous wars for years.  That’s why Bush couldn’t attack Iraq without insuring failure in Afghanistan stripping the forces from there.




  10 Responses to “Open Thread–1/4/2012”

  1. The cartoon is funny – where did you find one of those anyway? It may not be speech but it’s damn close to looking like another candidate! The Pentagon is slow in recognizing its short-comings – sort of like the “donald” they’re both arrogant as hell, and have no idea how much money they have – but always think they have more than they do! I thought I was doing well on the puzzle – until I finished and looked at my time! (me, the pentagon and the donald – all of us deluded!)

  2. Santorum was ALMOST speaking the truth.  He just needed to stop after his first nine words: “I don’t want to make black people’s lives better.”  See, I fixed it for him, and THAT’S the Truth!

    I’m stealing that dollar bill.  But I’ll replace with one – not quite as good, but serviceable:

  3. I love that you spend your time with prisoners or ex-prisoners.  That says a lot of good things about you. Me, I’d be scared shitless.

    Newt is a douchebag from way back.  Not to mention, but he’s irritating as hell and all the wives – how does someone that ugly get laid?

    God has  gone kooky if that asshole gets the nom.  Santitarium is off the charts crazy.  He and Bachmann were tied there for a while about who could say the most assinine stuff.  I can’t believe he rated that high in the polls.  Oh and Ricky, btw, no one else can find a job either so how do you pick out the blacks as only being unemployed?  Asshole.

    Good for them for finally coming to that conclusion.

    I got your little joke.

    • Lisa, they are far less dangerous than politicians.

      They probably make him wear both a condom and a paper bag.

      He is well Googled.



  4. GingrichHe is such a snivelling slimeball!  Newty has to stop with the painful self newtering!  One thing though, yes he has called Romney a liar, but if Romney is the annointed one for the Republican/Teabaggers, who else can Newty vote for?  Mr Obama?  If he were going to do that, hell I’d buy a ticket to see it!

    Santorum — Someone should tell these guys to load brain before firing off mouth!  My mother’s father was a racist and I remember him well.  I will never knowingly support a racist.  From what I have seen, every one of the Republican/Teabaggers is a racist.  Ron Paul, Rick Perry and now Santorum just rot my socks.  This is not a Christian tenet, it is supply side psuedo Christianity which has no place in a civilised society.  The  US a civilised society?  Not with Republican/Teabaggers at the helm or anywhere near the country.

    The Pentagon — Two simultaneous wars? 

    TomCat — “That’s why Bush couldn’t attack Iraq without insuring failure in Afghanistan stripping the forces from there.”  The US didn’t win either of those in my mind.  They have now withdrawn from Iraq but the country is still fighting and is in tatters.  In Afghanistan, the win just isn’t there in absolute terms, and the Russians previously had a similar outcome.  Both wars were non winable for western forces because the values of the nations are different.

    Cartoon — Great!  Also like Nameless’s version too!

    The following is a comment specific to Canada but is universal to some of the things we are seeing and feeling from the corporate world.  Just wanted to share it.

    From CTV

    Most Talked about Stories

    I have also been a member of the CAW and now a Senior Manager in a very large global company. Greed exists on both sides of the fence folks. However, I will say that many large Companies have ZERO loyalty to their home Country and workers. Ever increasing profit is all that matters. The middle class in Canada is disappearing at the expense of short term profits. When the CEO’s have achieved their goal of lowering wages back to 1980’s levels, have collected their millions in bonuses we will have no buying power left and our standard of living will be lost to the Chinese.

    Mark, Hundreds locked out at Electro-Motive in London, On

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