Poll Results–11/1/2011

 Posted by at 12:23 am  Blog News, Politics
Nov 012011

Here are the results of our Which Republican poll.


And here are your comments.

From Patty on October 22, 2011 at 6:47 am


Even though the "Powers That Be" don’t want him, it’ll probably be Mittens. The RepublicanTs are so divided right now they don’t know what do do. The only thing they agree on is that they ALL want Pres. Obama tofail.


From TWM on October 17, 2011 at 8:24 am


George Romney (Mitt’s oid man) came out of business (CEO AMC motors) to elected office and to be honest he is quite favorably remembered as being a centrist republican that could and did work with all parties for the good of Michigan.

Unfortunately Mitt ain’t his daddy and though he is not deviating in the polls I do believe the dissatisfied in the nation would pull the lever for him. I think personally he would be just another wealthy bastard who would find new ways to pander to those he grew up with.


From Cellophane on October 16, 2011 at 11:24 am


I think Cain will implode. Like Bachmann and Perry, he can’t keep his alligator mouth from overloading his chickadee ass.

Rather than considering their messages, when given an open mike they just start to babble all sorts of nonsense. Even the dullest part of the GOP will get the message. There’s nobody home.


From Memphis Johnny on October 16, 2011 at 3:23 am


Oh! Come on! There’s still plenty of time for more flavors!


Mitt was the clear winner here.  I voted him, because I figured all the other flavors of the month would lose their savor.  Perry’s implosion and Cain’s Clarence Thomas moment will likely put them out of the running in short order.


  6 Responses to “Poll Results–11/1/2011”

  1. I didn’t vote because I forgot to scroll over to see the poll, but I have taken this month’s.  I would have said Romney only because, other than doing some flip flops, he hasn’t made any big spectacular belly flops in the pool of politics that I know of, well short of being a Republican/Teabagger.  I’ve seen now that Perry will be joining Bachmann at the insane asylum; Cain will probably have to check into Club Fed with his buddy the Injustice; Huntsman is lost in the Utah wilderness; Santorum is taking much needed family time; Paul is on medical leave; Gingrich is busy burrowing in his garden; and Johnson is lost in space.  By process of elimination, that leaves Romney.  God save Main Street if Mr Flip Flop becomes POTUS.  It’s amazing his hair stays in place with all the flip flops he does.  Must use Wolfowitz’s comb and a bit of spit!

  2. I don’t see Dr. Paul’s name mentioned in this poll.

    Dr. Paul is the best candidate to address the problems this nation faces.

    I urge everyone to vote for Dr. Paul in 2012.


  3. Obama 2012. Along with a filibuster-proof Democrat House and Senate

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