Perry Commits Political Suicide

 Posted by at 12:22 am  Politics
Nov 012011

Do you remember the Dean scream?  When I saw it in context, there was nothing wrong with it.  But later, the broadcast media took it out of context and used it as propaganda against Dean, who I believe would have won by a wide enough margin in 2004 that Republicans could not steal the election.  Friday, Rick Perry gave several minutes of politically fatal video that leaves the Dean scream in the dust.


It should have been Texas Gov. Perry’s first step back in a long climb up from political oblivion. But instead of the tax and spending plan the day will go down in political history as “Remember when Perry blew himself up on CNBC?” It’ll be a consolation to every political consultant that ultimately races are about the candidates. No amount of staff work and no amount of money can compensate for a candidate with fatal flaws…

Inserted from <Washington Post>

Rachel Maddow covers the story.

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Now, I do not claim medical expertise, but I have seen similar behavior in two sets of circumstances.  First is a meth (speed or crank in today’s jargon) user beginning to crash.  Second is the manic stage of severe uncontrolled bipolar disorder.  Whatever the cause, his campaign is toast.


  22 Responses to “Perry Commits Political Suicide”

  1. My first reaction on Sunday when I saw Scarey Perry’s meltdown, was it was drug induced.  About 25 years ago I had a cold and a co-worker suggested I take Drixoral  so that I could get through the work day.  About an hour after taking the drug as per the package and eating my lunch, I was quite a bit like Perry —  jittery, ultra hyper or high, rambling on  — the Energiser Bunny on speed!  Obviously, I was having an allergic reaction and I have never had it since.  I can’t believe I’m going to say this, I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt if he can substantiate what he may have taken and it wasn’t his usual potion or illegal drugs.  But if he can’t, as you say TC, he’s on a maniac high or on speed.  In any case, before this he was not presidential material, but this just seals his campaign coffin if you ask me.

  2. As someone diagnosed with bipolar disorder I resent the comparison to this douche. We may be crazy but we’re not assholes.

    • Welcome Martin. 🙂

      I should have made it more clear that I was not referring to the level of the disorder most people have.   I thought “extreme uncontrolled” would do that, but I should have spelled it out more.  I’ve known dozens of bipolar people who would never act that way, but I’ve know two so severe that, when manic, they were completely out of touch with reality.  One is my ex wife, and Perry’s behavior was very similar to hers.

  3. Supposedly, Perry doesn’t drink and I don’t think he really “sounds drunk” but he’s obviously high on something. I’m bipolar and have lots of friends and family who are also – I don’t believe this is a manic phase. I think, more than likely, it’s due to some kind of pain med. Remember, it hasn’t been all that long since he had back surgery. Having had this type of surgery myself, I’ll just say I’d rather have ten babies at one time. And I had an aunt who had five such surgeries within an eight year span. The pain was constant and when it became unendurable, she took her own life.

    I think Perry was a has-been anyway but this sort of seals the deal. But you never know what the righties are thinking.

  4. Let’s just say it looks like he could be a fun guy to Par-Tay with … but definitely NOT ready for that 3:00 AM phone call.

    I will say Perry did have some experimental and controversial back surgery in July using adult stem cells (hASC) that was NOT FDA approved, so maybe he is on some type of prescription.  (But that’s NOT what his campaign is claiming about his very bizarre demeanor.)

  5. The crowd seemed really into it.

  6. It seems, in order:

    1) he had a lot of coffee to stay awake through it all

    2) he was taken aback and quite pleased with the positive reception he was getting there, which he had not anticipated

    3) he celebrated that positive reception with a drink too many


  7. The comments here sure prove that Progressives are too nice. Many have come up with a good excuse for Perry to have behaved in such a weird way. How’s Fox covering this? I thought of cold medicine myself. Pretty sure that will be what’s reported there.

    And how about old Herman the Hands Cain? He had more stories than the Arabian Nights in a 24-hour period. His advisors must have been smoking something other than cigarettes to allow him to run his mouth. A loose cannon with a finger on the red button? Very scary.

    Bachmann has gone one too many idiotic statements too far. Multiple-layered flat tax? Sheesh.

    It was a good day for Mitt.

  8. could someone just explain one thing to me please ?    What was the TomCat reference?  what does it mean that Perry grew up in such an isolated area that each family had it’s own Tom Cat?   I have never heard such an expression (lived in the suburbs all my life) ….

    And I can tell you as a retired state employee of Texas, that this Perry is the real one… the one that ran up a 27 million dollar budget  deficit and brags about the “Texas Miracle”  …. of course, the fact that I was forced to retire several years before I planned to, due to budget cuts probably makes me a little bitter, right?

    • Welcome Louise. 🙂

      Since I am TomCat, I’ll try.  We TomCats are very territorial, and when there is more than one in a neighborhood, we fight to monopolize the local PussyCats.  Perry wasn’t referring to the suburbs.  He was saying he lived so far out in the sticks that the closest neighbor was further away than a TomCat’s territory extends.  I’ve never heard the expression either, but that has to be what he meant.

      I have no doubt that you and millions of other Texans are bitter along with you.

  9. I can only make guess about what the cause was—I thought he was high on something— But whatever the reason   ; in my opinion he clearly demonstrated unstable behavior — If I hadn’t already dismissed him as a viable contender for the most powerful position in the world   I most certainly would have after seeing the entire performance—  not just the isolated images but the entire context clearly showed an unstable individual — No more chance for him—

  10. so… um… wat yer sa’in is wer stuk wit him her in texas …crap!

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