Oct 102011

I remember, as a child singing, “America the Beautiful” and feeling proud to live in a beautiful land.  Is I grew and traveled about, I have been in every state in the US at one time or another, except Alaska and Hawaii.  I often thrilled at the beauty I saw.  But I’ve seen ugly things too, where people have despoiled the land in order to rip out its treasures for profit.  In their wisdom, past leaders have set aside tracts of land as a heritage for our children, grandchildren, and beyond.  However, the Republican Party seeks to ravage that heritage.  Here is an example of what they are trying to destroy.


The 50,000 drivers who cruise daily along Interstate 25 between Denver and Colorado Springs drive through ranch and farm land, marked by dramatic buttes and wild animals, a vista that might have been very different but for a little-known federal program.

The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), which Congress created in 1965, helped pay for this open space, along with large swaths of land in other areas across the country. But there is a fight looming in Washington as Congress plans to drastically cut the program’s budget, and President Obama, who had accepted cuts in the past, appears ready to oppose them.

The White House has warned it will veto the House Interior spending bill, in part because of its cuts to the conservation fund program. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said in a telephone interview that the bill would bring conservation “as close to zero as it’s been in modern times.”

The fund is supposed to receive $900 million each fiscal year out of U.S. offshore oil and gas revenues to pay for federal land acquisitions. But with the exception of fiscal 1998, its funding has consistently fallen well short of that mark. The 2011 operating plan provided $300.5 million, and although Obama asked for $900 million for fiscal 2012, the pending House appropriations bill for Interior allocates just under $95 million… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Washington Post>

What Republicans really want is to provide their criminal corporate cronies the opportunity to profit from despoiling that land.

Years ago I lived in Denver and have seen that country.  The photo doesn’t do it justice.  I fully support Obama’s intent to veto this bill and encourage you to do likewise.


  12 Responses to “Republicans would destroy this beauty!”

  1. I am convinced  ; Nothing is more indicative of the  contempt for this Country and it’s people  than the drive to eliminate all protection the Country itself , its beauty and resources ;  that this opposition ,demonstrates  : Absolute insanity!

  2. And it’s the Republicans who are always claiming that we need to protect the next generation and the one after. Obviously they’re only talking about ensuring the Haves have more.

  3. They make me want to puke.

  4. That drive is much more beautiful than those photos, as is the surrounding country. CO is the most beautiful state to me. To let the corporate interests ruin it is criminal.

  5. The Rushpubliscums thrive on hate. Hate and destruction are twins. It should surprise no one that these hate-filled morons have no qualms about sh*tting in their own nests, even if it kills them.

  6. When I first looked at the picture, I realised just how insignificant people are next to these magnificent butes.  Although I have never been there, I can tell that the picture doesn’t do it justice.  The picture has a fuzzy feel that would not be there and the shear awesome enormity and grandeur does not translate well.  There is a similar place in the south of France called Les Baux.  As you approach by the only road winding around cliffs and going downhill, you suddenly at the bottom become aware of its enormity and beauty.  At Les Baux, you must leave your vehicle outside the town because the roads are so narrow that only being on foot or bicycle will work.  As you go through the town, you are climbing back up a steep slope.  At the top you have a most wonderful vista.  You see, Les Baux is an ancient town built up the sides and on top of a bute.  Standing next to these butes and looking up is a very spiritual experience.  I understand that such places are also sacred to the aboriginal peoples. 

    Corporations must not be allowed to rape the land, to plunder her riches and beauty.  Let them dig up their own backyards, but leave this land in peace.

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