Fox News Black Ops

 Posted by at 12:15 am  Politics
Jul 222011

The Republican Ministry of Propaganda, aka Faux Noise, may be in the cross hairs as investigations proceed here in the US, especially given that Murdock had his own private hit squad to perform black ops, including telephone hacking here.

foxliesRupert Murdoch’s Fox News television channel had a "black ops" department that may have illegally hacked private telephone records, a former executive for the station has alleged.

Dan Cooper, who helped launch Fox News as managing editor in 1996, said that a so-called "brain room" carried out "counter intelligence" on the channel’s enemies from its New York headquarters, and that he was threatened after it found out he spoke to a reporter.

Another former senior executive told The Telegraph that the channel ran a Soviet-style spying network on staff, reading their emails and making them "feel they were being watched".

The channel, which has come under pressure amid allegations that outlets owned by Mr Murdoch may have attempted to hack the voicemail messages of 9/11 victims, firmly denies all the allegations… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Sydney Morning Herald>

One thing struck me.  A legitimate news channel does not consider others β€œenemies”. only subjects to be covered.  With Parliament on vacation, the UK investigation may be in limbo, but things are just starting here.


  21 Responses to “Fox News Black Ops”

  1. Fox “News” is far from legitimate. I hope they will throw the book at Fox, Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes, Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Michelle Malkin, and all the rest of those lying yahoos over there. They have been duping the public for far too long and are big abusers of freedom of the press!

  2. I hope they all Burn, Baby, Burn!

    • I know what you mean, Patty! 😈 But, I guess I’m a little more charitable. I would like for them to not be able to find a job and become homeless and on the street, because no other company needs their kind of news reporting! Let’s not forget ‘ol Rushbo, either! 😈 (I’m going to the bank to get a roll of quarters for news bum charity)

      • I’d take that roll of quarters and put it in my fist so I could punch Limpballs in the face. After all the hate he’s spouted, he deserves it. But, I’m just mean like that. My husband says I have a nice right jab (I’ve hit him in my sleep before – I was hitting my ex). How funny is that and think of how hard I could hit him if I didn’t have a pillow under me and I was awake! πŸ˜†

  3. Seems like the LGBT campaign motto of “It gets better … it really does” fits the new trials & tribulations facing the Murdoch Klan:

    The Department of Justice (DoJ) is preparing subpoenas as part of an initial investigation into whether News Corp violated the Foreign Corrupts Practices Act (FCPA
    The probe … is separate from an ongoing FBI investigation into whether any phone hacking occurred on U.S. soil

  4. Amazing ; Conspiracy Theory was non-fiction !

  5. The only way he’ll face any charges in the US is if he hacked Republican or Tea Party devices. No one really cares if he hacked Jude Law’s phone to find out where he ate that night.

  6. I hope the whole bunch at Fox come down, none of them are newsmen they are all hate spewers, it is unbelievable anyone listens to their drivel. The fact they did so much phone hacking in the U.K it is almost for certain they did it here in the U.S and all those political back door meetings at #10 Downing St. Did mobster murdoch also go in the back door at the White House to visit Bush and Cheney. Will be interersting what will come out.

    • I’m totally with you on all of that Audrey. Let’s see how easy it is for them to get jobs with Fox News on their resume.

  7. Black ops group eh – I certainly would not put that past that sneaky old bastard. Fuck him, I hope he and all their cohorts spend the rest of their life in jail. 😑

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