DADT Countdown

 Posted by at 12:15 am  Politics
Jul 222011

We are likely just 61 days away from the time that gay Americans in the military will be able to serve openly, without having to hide who they are.  This has been way too long in coming.  It’s a shame that there is a built in delay, but that’s a story in itself.

whichgayThe Obama administration is expected to announce Friday that the Pentagon is ready to permit gay men and lesbians to serve openly in the military, allowing President Obama to bring a formal end to the policy of “don’t ask, don’t tell,” said a U.S. official and others familiar with the plans.

In accordance with a law passed in December that authorized repealing the ban on gays in the military, Obama must receive notice from Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and top brass that the military is prepared to end the policy before the government stops enforcing it.

The notice will verify that military readiness and recruiting will not be harmed by the repeal, according to the official and other sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the Pentagon’s conclusions have not yet been announced.

The policy will end 60 days after Obama formally certifies the repeal in writing to Congress…

Inserted from <Washington Post>

Rachel Maddow explains the delay.

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I look forward to the day that years of LGBT persecution in the military come to an end.


  10 Responses to “DADT Countdown”

  1. A stupid law and a stupid policy. The Dutch have allowed gays to serve without incident for many years. Why are we, the so-called land of the free, so backward?

  2. Leon Panetta is expecteds to announce readiness to enact the repeal of DADT today. It’s about time!

  3. “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.”

    ~ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

  4. A policy that should have died many years ago , finally goes down–About time–

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