Jul 012011

Today is a day for celebration.  Glenn Beck, whose violent rhetoric has inspired criminal acts, is no longer broadcasting from the Republican Ministry of Propaganda, aka Fox.  Boycotting his advertisers and calling for his removal has finally paid off.  In this process, Republicans have accused me and others of wanting to deny Beck his free speech rights under the First Amendment.  That is false.  The right to free speech is not absolute.  One may not yell “fire” in a crowded theatre.  I defend Beck’s right to say whatever he wants to say.  By taking away his TV network spot, we have not interfered with that right.  Instead, we have effectively taken him out of the crowded theater.

1BeckHatGoodbye to the big blackboard. Goodbye to the turn-it-on tears. Goodbye, too, to the suppertime serving of anger, conspiracy and the coming apocalypse.

Glenn Beck — populist ranter, Barack Obama scourge, self-described “rodeo clown” — stepped away from his biggest stage Thursday. After a volcanic rise and a muddled denouement lasting just 30 tumultuous months, the host ended his run on the Fox News Channel, going out with what sounded almost like a threat: “For those members of media who are celebrating [his departure] . . . you will pray for the time I was only on the air for one hour a day.”

Beck’s Fox finale was a vintage visit to what he once referred to as the “doom room.” Like a teacher reviewing his lessons before the final, he offered viewers a last look at “Things We’ve Learned” — a synopsis of fear — on his ever-present blackboard. On the lengthy list: the Fed, Woodrow Wilson, ACORN, the caliphate… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Washington Post>

Among those celebrating was one of the people most responsible for the demise of Beck’s TV career: Keith Olbermann of Countdown.

Lest we become complacent, that crowded theatre is still at risk.  Turn Off Fox!


  14 Responses to “Beck: Removed from the Theatre!”

  1. ….send that damn blackboard to the flea market! Good Riddance! 😈

  2. Dude made 33 million last year even if he goes all the way away he has enough audience to pound out a book every 6 months for the next 5 years before they quit listening to his puerile pap. Get rid of Ails and then something good may have been accomplished or for the world at large get rid of Murdoch by taxing the shit otut of all of his holdings in every country he does business.

  3. By-bye, Beckster! You won’t be missed by me at all.

  4. As my Grandma would have said ;; Good riddance to bad rubbish .!

  5. I’ve already forgotten that crazy fucker’s name. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Did Fox fire him or did he just create his own network, because either way, he was on the way out. Can you take Geraldo and Wolfie too? 🙄

  6. fox needs to fail.is there a way to do this?for all the things they say they are not much different than beck.start with o’reily. didn’t he say tiller the baby killer and enough of that crap got dr. tiller killed.connect the dots and they can be eliminated just like beck.so where do we start with the petitions and boycotts?none of the other yahoos at fox are much different than beck. let’s start with the humpty dumty of fox, roger ailes.I am sure he has a lot of skeletons in his closet that the American people need to know. if not, I guess I can hope.

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