Jun 302011


Tom122007_Painting_PaintingYesterday I watched Obama’s news conference three times.  I wanted to be certain I understood what he said, before writing this editorial.  The biggest problem is that everyone who decided what their response would be, before the news conference took place, can find support for their point of view.  Obamaphiles saw it as as a proof of his fidelity.  Obamaphobes saw it as proof of his perfidy.  The only people likely to have any difficulty understanding it are those of us who watched with an open mind.  My biggest issue with it is that I wanted him to come out swinging, but he continued to play “the adult in the room.”  There was no fire down below.  Nevertheless, there were things I liked, and things I did not.

He did not address what cuts he was willing to negotiate. He said negotiations have identified what cuts are possible, but did not specify.  However, he did say that he would not accept any reduction in entitlements spending that shifted the burden onto the recipients.  He said that reducing the debt would require revenue enhancements, and that they must come out of the pockets of people who are doing extraordinarily well.

He gave his best explanation of his view of Libya and the War Powers Act to date.  He said that US forces were out of the combat zone well before the deadline and are providing non-combatant support only.  I still disagree with him and think he should have submitted the request to Congress, but at least I understand his reasoning now.  No American has been killed.

On Afghanistan, he expressed no change in position.  He used the safety in Kabul to justify success of the Afghani government.  So did the USSR.  Like them, he is still wrong.

He ducked whether or not he personally believes in gay marriage.  That did not bother me.  He has a right to his own religious view, but he does not allow it to dictate policy.  Between repeal of DADT and refusal to defend DOMA, no president has done as much for the LGBT community.

On immigration, he insisted on a comprehensive solution, including a path to citizenship for for those without documentation, who are here now.

He easily ducked the question on the Constitutionality of the debt ceiling, because it was the last item in a three part question by Chuck Todd.  When reporters question politicians, they are lucky to get two parts acknowledged, let alone three.  Evading it may have been wise, because committing to invoke the Constitution lets Republicans off the hook.  They would love provoking a Constitutional crisis to keep the focus off job creation.

His big failure was his stated expectation that Republicans leaders will lead in good faith and do the right thing where the debt is concerned.  There is zero evidence to support the notion that Republicans have the slightest inclination to do the right thing, and overwhelming evidence to the contrary.  When he blamed “Congress”, I have no doubt that he meant Republicans in Congress, but he should have come out and said so.

In closing, he focused on the needs of Main Street Americans, and the need to undo the structural changes in our economy in the last decade.  He should have clearly defined that those were Republican changes, the massive upward redistribution of wealth.

Overall, I feared far worse and was pleased with most of it, but Obama must overcome his dislike for confrontation and display fire down below.

You don’t have to take my word for it.  If you missed it, here is the complete video.

If you prefer, the text of Obama’s news conference is here.

For another perspective here’s Keith Olbermann on Countdown.

One of the things I like about Keith is that he usually agrees with me, and expresses it better.

Of one thing, there is no doubt.  I will certainly support Obama over anyone the Republicans offer.


  28 Responses to “Obama: No Fire Down Below”

  1. I, too, wished he had come out swinging. Instead he chastised them for acting like irresponsible children with too much time on their hands. They use that extra time to constantly be “out of session”.

    Like we have both said many times before, TomCat, the RepublicanTs don’t care what they do to this country as long as they can ensure that Obama is only a one-term president.

  2. Hi TC!
    Your critique was very balanced. It brought me some insight… and I thank you. I followed the little voice in my head this morning saying ‘go stop by TC’s .. .you haven’t been in too long!’… show’s you, listening to voices is sane.
    *waving at you* 😀

    • Hi Gwen! How’s Florida’s cutest “vaper”?. 😉

      Thanks for the complement. I think it depends on who is doing the listening. It wasn’t sane when Texas Torquemada did it.

  3. Obama is a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. “Kris Kristoferson”

    I think that’s all the fire you’ll see from the President. He just doesn’t have it in him. Wish all we might but he’s not the man we thought he was. Remember, I called him the great appeaser two months after he won the election. If he does win this time it will be because of default. There are no credible Republicans. I wonder just how many wars we can be in all at the same time. Yeah he’s a tough guy. ahuh. Wish he were as tough on Republicans. I could go on for a long time,but what the use. We’re screwed for the next 50 years at least.

    • Hi Tim. Am I correct in thinking you decided your conclusion before the speech?

      This President has never had Congressional support.

      • Neither did Clinton the congress was just as obstructionist but there is a world of difference between the two, one fought the other negotiates. Chicago can now hang it’s collective head.

  4. While Obama may want to consider himself “the adult in the room”, sooner or later he MUST realize that the pathetic bunch of rowdy, uncooperative conservative Republican crybabies are taking over the classroom. This guy has GOT to start exerting his power and bashing some GOP heads, starting with that stuffy asshole Mitch McConnell and that wimpy little yuppie Eruc Cantor!

  5. He is the Professor– but that is no longer his role ; He is Boss Man now– no longer writing the grades , but being graded—Does he want to go down in history as a “nice guy ‘ ? Or the man who led when things got tough?– He is the first black man– providing a model for others who will follow him , Does he want to be the last because he demonstrates a failure ;?
    Mr President– time to realize what is going on and lead the nation, that was so proud of you , out of this quagmire-

  6. I’d like someone who agrees with me too! 😉 Seriously, Obama is taking the right tone on this and at the same time calling on the Repubs to do their fair share – tax breaks on corporate jets – are you friggin kidding me – that’s what they are going to make the country default on? Get a life. 😡

  7. Sooner or later he’s got to leave behind “can’t we all just get along?” While it’s a good sentiment for everyday life, it won’t work in politics.

  8. The Republicans are doing quite well at getting in the toilet and preparing for the big flush. While I do not have a great deal of confidence in the intelligence of much of America, the people as a whole are not that stupid and they are going to eventually see who is selling them out – and it is not the president. Take WI as an example. Buyers remorse has set in and recalls are in the works.

  9. Tom, this is Ann H from Care2. Thanks for the in-depth review. I’m beginning to like Obama more after reading a biography of his mother and understanding a little what the impact of being raised in Indonesia had on him. Confrontation and conflict are simply NOT a part of the Indonesian culture — it is all community and cooperation.

    If you remember his very first press conference, his reaction when Joe Biden was mocking Chief Justice Roberts for flubbing the Oath of Office, Obama just pursed his lips and lightly touched Biden on the arm. This is instructive when considering how he expresses anger. In America we expect someone who is angry to be shouting and red-faced — this is simply not his style or temperament. I believe he was VERY angry yesterday and expressed it as he has learned to do.

    • Welcome, Ann! 🙂 Great to see you here.

      That’s some very good insight. In addition, he was frequently and unjustly accused in his early career of fitting the “angry black man” stereotype. He bends over backward to distance himself from that. I’m not suggesting that he rant and rave, but that he state the truth more directly. I know he can. I was in the audience here when he did so last October.

  10. I couldn’t agree more TC! My stomach was in knots and I was calling Obama a pussy while yelling at the TV. I can’t take anymore of the nice guy routine. He makes jokes about the thugs and their hypocrisy, this is not a time for jokes and laughing at those idiots, it’s the time to get tough and act like the leader not the follower!! Those rethuglicans will NOT be shamed into doing what is right for America, they have NO shame!

    • Hi Sue. I didn’t go that far, but I felt your frustration. He needs to come out and call their savotage what it is.

  11. I loved the speech. I thought he was direct and everything he said was true. He called them out , pointed out their sins to the American peopleand more importantly he stated exactly what needed to be done and who was the hold up.. Screaming wouldn’t make him more powerful or more admirable. He did great. It’s our fault he is dealing with a bunch of diaper wearing babies.. We let him down last fall. I’m standing with him.

    • Murky, I just wish he hadn’t sugar coated it for congeniality. He should have directly wsed the term Republicans when criticizing, not just implying it,

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