May 272011

A man was arrested in Serbia yesterday.  Is he a Teabagger?  He is an extreme right wing reactionary.  That fits.  He’s a super-nationalist.  That fits.  He hates Muslims.  That fits.  He believes in Second Amendment solutions.  That fits.  Although Ratko Mladic is not a Teabagger, his views are very much the same as theirs.

27MladicSixteen years after the end of the war in Bosnia, the arrest of one of its biggest criminals is not only a great day for international justice and the conflict’s victims, but the opportunity for the Balkans to finally move past its dark history.

Thousands of people were slaughtered at the hands of General Ratko Mladic, who is accused of genocide, crimes against humanity and violation of the laws of war in Bosnia-Herzegovina. That he was hiding all this time in Serbia was a constant reminder of injustice and impunity. Mladic was a huge barrier to reconciliation between Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats, even as an impotent fugitive.During the 1990s, a series of regional wars, often falling along ethnic lines, splintered Yugoslavia into today’s Balkan states. In what is now known as Bosnia, Serbian soldiers backed by Belgrade, sieged the city of Sarajevo and fought against both Bosnian Muslims and Croats. The war – which lasted from 1992 to 1995 – was marked by ethnic cleansing and mass atrocities, perhaps the most famous being the Srebrenica massacre, where Serbian forces led by Mladic killed 8,000 Muslim men and boys in just five days.

Srebrenica caught the world’s attention, and greater international involvement in the conflict eventually led to the Dayton Accords, which divided Bosnian territory into largely autonomous entities. By the end of the fighting, about 100,000 had died…

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Here’s video:

Rachel Maddow added depth.

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America needs to take warning that we do not follow the path of extreme right wing hatred that Republicans represent today.  The end of such a path is most ugly.


  11 Responses to “Was a Teabagger Arrested in Serbia?”

  1. The path is ugly enough to never want to see the end of that particular path. Hell maybe Mladic is a secret teabag campaign donor and was trying to buy his way to the Unted States of thuggery. he’d be right at home in this evolving extreme right constituency. changing the constitution, expanding the patriot act, banning choice, privitizing everything, support the rich, cleanse the Muslims from America through fear and intimidation. who is to say he was not teabagging his way here.

  2. He also actually realized the ambition of some of them — re-igniting a civil war in his country, which everyone had thought was settled generations ago. Maybe he was just ahead of the curve.

  3. VERY well stated, TomCat! We need to throw these bastard teabaggers out in 2012. For good!

  4. Can they take Bush, Cheney, Rice, et al as well?

  5. The one way in which Mladic is different from today’s Republicans is that Mladic was competent to pursue his hatred with ruthless efficiency. If Republicans ever become competent, this is what we can expect.

  6. dont do business with ANY republican right wingers.

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