May 262011

You’d think that after being chased halfway across Wisconsin, by his own angry constituents, after all the polls that  demonstrate public opposition, and after losing a “sure thing” House Seat over the Republican Ryan plan to kill Medicare and Medicaid, while giving huge tax cuts to millionaires, billionaires and criminal corporations, Paul Ryan would have the good sense to go into hiding.  But, since he is a Republican, he has no such sense and is doubling down.  Excellent.  At the same time forty Republican Senators went on the record to kill Medicare.

John Nichols’ take on it is excellent:

RyanLiesThe House Budget Committee chairman admits that his advocacy for the deconstruction of Medicare as we know it cost his party a previously “safe” Congressional seat in upstate New York’s 26th district. Asked on Wednesday morning about the role that concerns about Medicare’s future played in Tuesday’s upset win by Democrat Kathy Hochul, Ryan said: “I think that’s a big part of it.”

But the Wisconsin Republican claims that is only because the voters—presumably Republicans who switched from their usual pattern of voting for George Bush and John McCain to back a progressive Democrat—were duped by a campaign to deliberately “distort and demagogue.”

“There is a Medicare story to be told here…and it’s that the president and his party have decided to shamelessly distort and demagogue Medicare,” Ryan explained on MSNBC’s Morning Joe.

The budget committee chair branded the Democratic strategy a “Mediscare” campaign.

But the scariest talk about Ryan’s plan is not coming from Democrats.

It’s coming from Republicans.

First, Newt Gingrich dismissed the plan Ryan rushed through the House with the support of all but four Republican members as “right-wing social engineering”—before he was beaten back into line by the right-wing thought police.

Now, Republican senators are going far beyond any Democratic “Mediscare” campaigning.

When the Senate considered the Ryan budget Wednesday, it was rejected 57-40. And the rejection was a bipartisan one. Of the fifty-seven “no” votes, fifty-two came from members of the Democratic caucus, while five of the “no” voters were Republicans… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <The Nation>

Ryan may accuse us of scare tactics, but he’s lying.  When you misrepresent something, and it frightens people, that’s a scare tactic.  But when you tell the truth about something, and it frightens people, that’s exposing Republican plans as the threats they are to America.  The Republican plan hurts everyone 55 and under.  The Republican meme is that it does not hurt today’s Medicare recipients.  That’s a lie.  By repealing the ACA it reopens the donut hole and eliminates preventive care with no copay. Thomas Roberts and insurance whistleblower, Wendell Potter, discusses the Ryan Plan, including immediate loses for current Medicare Recipients.

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Potter is certainly in a position to know.

Now here are the Republican Senators who exposed themselves in public.

Alexander (R-TN)

Ayotte (R-NH)

Barrasso (R-WY)

Blunt (R-MO)

Boozman (R-AR)

Burr (R-NC)

Chambliss (R-GA)

Coats (R-IN)

Coburn (R-OK)

Cochran (R-MS)

Corker (R-TN)

Cornyn (R-TX)

Crapo (R-ID)

DeMint (R-SC)

Enzi (R-WY)

Graham (R-SC)

Grassley (R-IA)

Hatch (R-UT)

Heller (R-NV)

Hoeven (R-ND)

Inhofe (R-OK)

Isakson (R-GA)

Johanns (R-NE)

Johnson (R-WI)

Kirk (R-IL)

Kyl (R-AZ)

Lee (R-UT)

Lugar (R-IN)

McCain (R-AZ)

McConnell (R-KY)

Moran (R-KS)

Portman (R-OH)

Risch (R-ID)

Rubio (R-FL)

Sessions (R-AL)

Shelby (R-AL)

Thune (R-SD)

Toomey (R-PA)

Vitter (R-LA)

Wicker (R-MS

Inserted from <The US Senate>

Hutcheson (R-TX), Roberts (R-KS) and Schumer (D-NY) were away for the day and did not vote.

The Republicans who refuse to goose-step, most out of fear, are: Brown (R-MA), Collins (R-ME), Murkowski (R-AK), Paul (R-KY), and Snowe (R-ME).  Remember that Rand Paul, as disingenuous as his horrid father, voted no only because the Ryan plan is not sufficiently draconian.

Now you have more names, and you know what to say:

   (Insert GOP goose-stepper here)_ voted to kill Medicare!

  13 Responses to “40 Senators Join Unrepentant Ryan”

  1. It is time to get rid of all these disciples of Ayn Rand. I think most of them only read her philosophy on wealth and the poor. Basically the wealthy deserve everything because they earned it and everyone else is a drain and leech on them and their proven ability. Funny how they never read of her end of life. When told that she had lung cancer from smoking two packs a day her accountant told her her own fortune from her stupid novels and other trash speeches would be wiped out (she had to that point refused SS and Medicare) she applied for a received both Socialist Programs (SS & MdiC) under her husbands name. Ayn O’Connell.

    That said Paul Ryan is up for re-election this year I suggest that if you have a safe blue Rep like I do, the $10 you may have given to his campaign you think about giving to Ryan’s opponent. You KNOW he is going to get MILLIONS of un-trackable contributions from all over hell and gone. Let the serpent move forward without a head.

    And what was up with that overheard and recorded stage door talk him and Bill Clinton had? Is all politics simple theatrics? If what i heard on Maddow early this morning was what i heard then we are all fucked anyway.

    • Mark, you’ve known me long enough to know hoe poor I am. Nevertheless, I think I’ll take that advice.

      I think that the conversation with Clinton was political courtesy on Clinton’s part. It’s sugary-sweet and completely meaningless.

  2. First off, Ryan wears the ugliest ties I have ever seen. Where does he buy them? At the “Ugly Tie store”? No one looks good in orange ties, yet the repubs consistently wear them. Ugh, I can’t even look at them, much less listen to what they say. Boner showed up on the House floor the other day wearing a fluorescent orange tie the other day and it almost made me puke. 😯

    Secondly, how does someone with the last name of Crapo get elected anywhere? 😯 😯

    Thirdly, my senator from IL (Kirk – douchebag) sought the support of Sarah Palin and got it. He went completely teabagger from being a moderate in a wealthy suburb of Chicago. I thought he had no chance of winning, yet there he is, in the fucking senate. Puke again. Not 😯

    Forth, any rep or senator who has aligned themselves with the kill Medicare program, is dead in the water for 2012. Yeah, 55 and older are safe, but did he forget about the rest of us paying into Medicare and Medicaid every fucking single check? What’s going to happen to that money? Not explained, but it will probably go to the private insurers who will take at least 25% off the top, after they pay their CEO’s some ridiculous salary and some give out dividends which is less money for less care. Anyone who thinks this is a good plan is either brain damaged (sorry, brain damaged people are smarter than this) or have rocks for brains. There is no fucking way this will pass and the Repubs will be DECIMATED by this in 2012. And that makes me so sad – NOT. 😎

    Maybe then we can get something done that’s actually good for the country and doesn’t take MORE money (if Obama doesn’t go more corporate than he already is and becomes the candidate we voted for) out of the hands of taxpayers and give it to corporations and industries that don’t need it, with the exception of the rich, who need to pay a lot more in taxes. Even they admit it. (It’s the only way to fix the deficit and cut military spending or at least reduce it to some reasonable amount.) Put me in charge of writing new tax code. I’ll fix that shit. 👿 It’ll be less than 30 pages long, written in English so regular people can understand it (none of this you can only take this tax deduction if you have 1.5 legs and 2 kids, one of which is deaf) shit. No lawyerese, no ridiculous tax breaks for stupid shit, none of it. All gone. Regular people will be able to do their taxes by themselves. Anyone with a family of 4 and makes under $60K pays no taxes. It will be beautiful. 😆

    • Oh, and the Kotch brothers pay double whatever tax rate I assign to the rich, just for being assholes. Maybe they STFU then with their “private donations” taxed at 100%. And no more anonymous donors. You put your money on the line, you put your name on the line for all of the world to see. And Cheney gets no more free healthcare – he goes to an insurance company like everyone else. Need a new heart? Back of the bus for you asshole.

      • Lisa, I don’t care what Ryan’s tie looks like as long as it has thirteen loops.

        His state must be Crapola. 😉

        Condolences. 🙁

        Agree! 🙂

        Your plan would be an improvement.

        May Koch and Koch suckers go broke.

  3. Tom, it’s nice that we never have to picket outside our Senators’ doors. Do we only have the single dud of a rep? I want to go beat on somebody with a protest sign (that’s not meant to be a factual statement).

  4. Small note: Your framing (or variations) that NINETY PERCENT OF REPUBICANS VOTE TO KILL, END, ABOLISH MEDICARE … well, it’s spot-on!

  5. I’m scared! Facts scare me – please no more facts – ties scare me – please no more ties – Kochs scare me – please no more Kochs
    I hope I can save $10 – what is this anyway! Do we all have to be broke to have a brain? Dang it! Disability sucks-
    Lincoln Center named the New York City Opera House after a Koch – and I happen to love opera! How can I step into a theater with that name? Not that I could afford to go anyway – but once in a while $2 dollar tix are available in my building – what to do –
    Why didn’t my pal Schumer show up for the vote?
    Yes we’re all fucked – I couldn’t believe what I heard out of Clinton’s mouth either – I gotta remember that even some of my favorite pols are prostitutes

    • Welcome Lee! 🙂

      Lee, I figure that any time a commoner like us gets to go one of the world’s premier locations for Opera for two bucks, the Koch Brothers cry.

      I don’t know on Schumer. He was gone all day and missed several different votes.

      Don’t worry too much about Clinton. That’s just how enemy politicians talk at social events. It’s like diplomats.

  6. He must have something to gain……like being paid off by big business. He may be handsome, but he is the devil himself. How can he live with himself, knowing he is hurting countless individuals who are held captive by the Republican ideal of capitalism?

    • Welcome Tim. 🙂

      What he has to gain is his job. Typically an incumbent House Representative needs to raise $7,000 per day, just to fund their reelection campaign. Corporate criminals see that he has that, in addition to plenty so secret advertising on his behalf. And, if he loses, he’s assured of a soft landing with an overly well paid job at some conservative think tank, perhaps the Heritage Foundation, that wrote his budget. As for living with himself, he believes that, as a member of the elite, he is entitled.

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