May 252011

Up until now, I have not covered the tornados devastating the Midwest, because I saw no need to add to what’s everywhere.  However, there should be no argument about providing emergency aid to the victims.  Sadly, in an act of political terrorism, Republicans held aid to victims hostage for spending cuts.  That’s RepubliCare.  $Billions for Banksters, but you’re on your own.

25CantorHouse Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA), however, said that before Congress approved federal funds for disaster relief, it had to offset the spending [propaganda sheet delinked] with cuts to other programs. The Washington Times reports:

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor said Monday that if Congress passes an emergency spending bill to help Missouri’s tornado victims, the extra money will have to be cut from somewhere else.

If there is support for a supplemental, it would be accompanied by support for having pay-fors to that supplemental,” Mr. Cantor, Virginia Republican, told reporters at the Capitol. The term “pay-fors” is used by lawmakers to signal cuts or tax increases used to pay for new spending.

In 2005, Republicans criticized then-House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) for his willingness to fund relief in the wake of Hurricane Katrina by adding to the deficit. “It is right to borrow to pay for it [propaganda sheet delinked],” he said at the time, explaining that cuts could “attack” the economy… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Ed Schultz covered the Republican refusal.

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It’s ironic that Republicans cut a green energy program to fund the disaster relief, given that fossil fuel use is driving climate change, which is driving more severe weather.

Any vote for or vote that helps to elect a Republican is a vote against your self interest.


  18 Responses to “RepubliCare for Tornado Victims”

  1. OK you need to cut something to pay for disaster relief, then cut the congressional staffer budget. There is billions of waste there. They aren’t going to quit sucking Koch so let them feel the pain a little more up close and personal.

  2. I don’t see ANY of the Republicans offering to cut their own congressional salaries as even a token gesture to aid victims. We are sick of being blackmailed by these heartless bastards, and we’re sick of DINOs caving into them, too.

    I can’t wait until the next congressional election when these jerks will once again be relegated to the weak minority status they so richly deserve!

  3. This is why Republicans everywhere will be having to pour money into their elections for the next 2 years, and why they’ll lose a lot more than they’ll win.

  4. I love how they cut green energy funds (which could reduce these kinds of disasters) to give aid to people in disasterous situations. The irony!

    When you have to take money from somewhere and give it to disaster victims, you’re country’s sunk. If this is what living in Repub world is like, I want nothing to do with it.

  5. You would have hoped that the Repubicans would have at least waited until they recovered all the bodies before their House Majority leader comes up with this …

    Cantor to Joplin: Drop Dead (Both Figuratively & Literally)

  6. It will be interesting to see how many Republicans the residents of Mo will vote back into office come the next election. How quickly they forget who wanted to toss them under the bus.

  7. This is evil, pure and simple!

    Can’t wait till this team takes back OUR WHITE House from that socio communist black guy born in Kenya who usurped our government OF by and for the people of these United States of AMERICA, the land of the free and the home of the brave, one nation under a capitalist God, Sieg Heil, not an agglomeration of atheist mongrels like him
    No more talk about aid for those sniveling people of Joplin, let’em fend for themselves, that is the way of AMERICAN capitalist FREE enterprise system, not socialism which owns all the means and distribution of wealth. We need to maintain wealth in the hands of those who earned it, like the KOCH brothers, not give it to those who live on government handouts, Social Security, Medicare.
    manifesto of the TEA PARTY OF THE UNITED STATES

    • Ananair, I can only that your comment is a sick joke. What is sad here is that, when it comes to sick jokes and actual Republican rhetoric, it’s impossible to tell the difference.

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