Socialism Like Reagan?

 Posted by at 3:49 am  Politics
Apr 102011

I realize that any suggestion that the super-rich should have to return any of the nation’s wealth redistributed to them from the poor and middle classes is pure Socialism.  I’m sorry.  I just can’t help it.  And I’m not asking for a whole lot of socialism, just a little socialism, like Reagan.

10ronald-reagan1Last night President Obama and congressional negotiators cut a deal to keep the government running, cutting “$38.5 billion under current funding levels, per Republican demands,” and $78 billion below what Obama called for in his initial 2011 budget.

Yet as Republicans and Democrats continue to battle over the deficit within a political framing that includes taking aim at Pell Grants for low-income students — which Obama preemptively proposed to cut, calling summer grants “too expensive,” while Republicans want far deeper cuts than that — Head Start funding, and other programs from Main Street Americans, there is one group of Americans that seems to be getting away without having any sacrifices demanded of them: the very richest.

As this chart from from Wealth for the Common Good shows, the top 400 taxpayers — who have more wealth than half of all Americans combined — are paying lower taxes than they have in a generation, as their tax responsibilities have slowly collapsed since the New Deal era as working families have been asked to pay more and more:


There have been a handful of proposals by congressional progressives to once again put requiring more sacrifice from the luckiest among us back on the table. The Congressional Progressive Caucus recently unveiled a “People’s Budget” that would boost taxes on the wealthiest Americans, returning them to levels closer to where they were under Ronald Reagan’s first term — hardly socialism… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Actually, maybe it might be better to adopt the tax rates of that uber-Marxist, Dwight D. Eisenhower.


  2 Responses to “Socialism Like Reagan?”

  1. I’m with you all the way, TomCat! A 91% top marginal tax rate – with NO loopholes! Goodbye, deficit!

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