Maher Newters Newt!

 Posted by at 6:35 am  Plus, Politics
Mar 062011

Of all the Republican liars exploring runs for the presidency in 2012, few are bigger hypocrites that Newt Gingrich, infamous for shutting down the government and philandering in the extreme.  Bill Maher built part of his New Rules segment around Newt, and showed no mercy at all.


Newt Gingrich seems primed to run on a value-based campaign platform as he explores his White House bid in earnest this week. And Bill Maher couldn’t help but point out the seeming hypocrisy in that decision. The "Real Time" host dedicated a portion of his "New Rule" segment last night to Gingrich — on his third marriage after two acrimonious and scandal-clad divorces — concluding "I don’t think actual newts are this slimy."…

Inserted from <Salon>

Here’s the video:

Don’t you just love the way Maher cuts to the heart of the matter in hilarious fashion?


  6 Responses to “Maher Newters Newt!”

  1. Thanks Bill as always…right on target! :mrgreen:

  2. I laughed til I cried– or wait a minute– is that I cried ’til i laughed ? So right on target- slimy jerks-


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