Republicans Defend DOMA

 Posted by at 6:19 am  Politics
Mar 052011

Republicans are moving to defend DOMA in the courts in the wake of Obama’s decision not to do so, because the law is unconstitutional.  Part of the irony here is that Republicans keep calling themselves the party of limited government and freedom, while they would extend government into your bedroom.  Their freedom applies only to the freedom of corporate criminals to rip you off without restriction.  You get no freedom to choose your mate.


Speaker John A. Boehner announced Friday that the House would fight to uphold the Defense of Marriage Act in court, a little more than a week after President Obama’s Justice Department said it would no longer defend the constitutionality of the law, which bans federal recognition of same-sex marriages.

The move marks another detour into contentious cultural issues for the House Republican leadership as it tries to whittle down the federal deficit, and with polls showing Americans most concerned about the economy.

But Boehner (R., Ohio) said in a statement that the president had shirked the executive branch’s constitutional obligation to defend all the laws Congress has enacted.

"It is regrettable that the Obama administration has opened this divisive issue at a time when Americans want their leaders to focus on jobs and the challenges facing our economy," he said. "The constitutionality of this law should be determined by the courts – not by the president unilaterally."… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Philadelphia Inquirer>

Agent Orange must be three sheets to the wind to think we’ll believe that!  When the Republican Regime took the House, and ever since, Republicans have ignored jobs and focused almost exclusively on either culture wars or transfer of wealth to the super-rich.  They have done nothing to stimulate one job, but plenty to destroy thousands of them.

Rachel Maddow covers this issue and and expands on the intrusiveness of Republican rule.

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Freedom is for people, but Republicans would limit it to corporate criminals.


  16 Responses to “Republicans Defend DOMA”

  1. So, let me get this “straight” …

    Kelsey Grammer can end a 15-year marriage by phone, Larry King can be on divorce #9, Britney Spears had a 55-hour marriage, Jesse James and Tiger Woods while married were having sex with EVERYONE, 53% of Americans get divorced, and 30-60% cheat on their spouses.
    Yet, same-sex marriage is going to destroy the institution of marriage? Really?!?

    (Apparently this is going around Facebook now like wildfire)

  2. John Boehner should keep his worthless nose out of everyone’s bedroom. I agree with SoINAName above. This is ridiculous!

  3. And don’t forget that upright, outstanding “Christian” family values fellow Newt Gingrich!

  4. Isn’t it absolutely amazing— People need jobs– real jobs will give the money to be spent that will help pull the country out of this economic mess– Jobs will help people keep their homes—buy vehicles that will help them get to their Job- Put food on the table— enable people to get married and support a family–
    But the asinine Repugs– long past any pretense of being honorable– focus on this non-issue– Personally– as long as it isnt done in the streets and scare the horses– who marries who , and why – is none of my concern–I wonder at the focus of these ‘politicians” on this– essentially very private issue—

    • Right on, Phyllis. They do it, because they have no means to create the jobs they promised, except for jobs in Asia.

  5. Rachel also reported on the Wyoming legislature, which is predominantly Republican, having quite vocal opposition to the anti-Gay marriage law some nitwit wanted. Yes, Republicans do know how to behave properly. They rightly stated that it’s none of the state’s damned business.

    • Marva, they must be fully insulated from the national Regime. In any other state they could not win a Republican primary.

  6. Cellophane – that anti gay marriage bill was defeated in the house and senate in Wyoming. I watched the vid after this one and it was quite good. Go Wyoming!

    But, because they took this slowly and did it quietly, there was none of this Prop 8 bullshit. 😎

  7. I can’t believe that Republicans are wasting time upholding discriminatory legislation when they have bigger fish to fry. Preventing LGBT people from marrying will do nothing to stimulate the economy, address the national debt, or wrap up the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    By the way, what does “three sheets to the wind” mean? I’m unfamiliar with that expression.

    • Wasting time is exactly what they want to do. They will try to blame Obama for their failure.

      Phyllis beat me to ‘three sheets’.

  8. “three sheets to the wind “Being one sheet in the wind meant being tipsy, but still able to perform essential job duties. Being two sheets in the wind would have meant being clearly intoxicated, but still able to walk unassisted back to the ship. Being three sheets in the wind meant extreme drunkenness, accompanied by unsteadiness and an altered state of consciousness. The worst case scenario would be four sheets in the wind, which usually meant total unconsciousness and possible alcohol poisoning.

    Nautical terms– 3 sheets to the wind = drunk as a skunk lol

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