Mar 052011

One thing about which we all agree is that health care costs are going through the roof.  Where there is no agreement is to why.  In my opinion, both the Republican explanation and the Big Insurance explanation are lies.  I think my own explanation is more accurate.

5healthWorkers at a circuit-board factory here just saw their health insurance premiums rise 20 percent. At Buddy Zaremba’s print shop nearby, the increase was 37 percent. And for engineers at the Woodland Design Group, they rose 43 percent.

The new federal health care law may eventually “bend the cost curve” downward, as proponents argue. But for now, at many workplaces here, the rising cost of health care is prompting insurance premiums to skyrocket while coverage is shrinking.

As Congress continues to debate the new health care law, health insurance costs are still rising, particularly for small businesses. Republicans are seizing on the trend as evidence that the new law includes expensive features that are driving up premiums. But the insurance industry says premiums are rising primarily because of the underlying cost of care and a growing demand for it.

Across the country, premiums have more than doubled in the last decade, with smaller companies particularly hard hit in recent years, federal officials say…  [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NY Times>

The “special features” in the Republican lie fall into two areas.  First there are preventive services older policies did not offer.  Those actually save money, because they detect problems early enough treat them more effectively.  The second area feature is policies that actually pay when the insured becomes ill.  RepubliCare policies that collect and never pay might cost less, but who would want them?

The Big Insurance lie is that increased demand has done it.  Not enough features of the AHCA have been implemented to effect the demand.

My explanation is simple. Health insurance prices are up, because Big Insurance wants more money.  This points out the big flaw in the AHCA.  Without a public option to prevent pricing collusion by the Big Insurance cartel, AHCA leaves health care in the hands of greedy corporations that care 100% about profit and 0% about health.

Long term we need single payer health care, such as Medicare for all, so that health care resources go to health care, not corporate profit.  Short term we need a public option or some other mechanism to muzzle Big Insurance greed.


  6 Responses to “More Lies on Health Care Costs”

  1. MEDICARE FOR ALL AND A PUBLIC OPTION FOR ALL RIGHT NOW! It is INSANE that we allow for-profit parasites like insurance companies the chance to fleece the public and have any say at all about what doctors prescribe for their patients!

  2. I can add absolutely nothing to what Jack Jodell has written- Concise , clear and to the point.

  3. One way to do that is to make all insurance companies non-profit – that lowers the profit motivation. But right now insurance companies are using the excuse of HCR to jack up prices now, since the won’t be able to later. A few weeks ago, one of the CA insurance companies jacked up their premiums by as much as 60% sighting HCR as the reason why – which is complete bullshit. If more of the law took effect sooner, we wouldn’t be seeing these ginormous increases now, because they wouldn’t have time to think up a reason fast enough to gouge the pricing and blame it on HCR. The people getting hit the hardest are the ones with individual policies and small businesses.

    • That’s an interesting notion, Lisa. Wouldn’t it actually require complete liquidation of existing companies and formation of new ones, as nonprofits have no stockholders?

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