Feb 042011

Yesterday I returned visits and hope to do so again today.  This morning, I caught up on comments.  I’m still feeling ill, but not quite so much as before.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:10 (average 4:33).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From NY Times: Now there finally are some numbers, and they show that the city [New Orleans] is 29 percent smaller than a decade ago.

The Republican response to Katrina was calculated to make New Orleans more conservative by making the population smaller, richer and whiter.  Their scheme worked.

From The Age: YEMEN’S veteran President Ali Abdullah Saleh has promised not to seek re-election in 2013, becoming the latest Arab dictator to offer concessions before protests spread out of control.

The Revolution is growing legs in areas where governments have allowed their populations to be economically exploited.

From BBC: The last five blocks of the IP Version 4 addresses have been handed over to the regional bodies that distribute them.

Those five blocks, called /8s and which contain 16 million addresses each, are expected to be completely depleted by September 2011.

The move to the new addressing scheme, IP version 6, is under way but could take years to complete.

Nevertheless, IPv4 addresses and IPv6 addresses should be working seamlessly on most networks this year.


Steve Benson



  2 Responses to “Open Thread–2/4/2011”

  1. 4:20 Not quite, but thanks for the opening. 9 of 35

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