Dec 092010

I’m not a big fan of Facebook.  I had a flirtation with it for a few months, found Farmville totally addictive, and ended up spending so much time consuming their fast food for the mind, that it was interfering with my blog and with my life.  Worse yet, I’ve seen a few lefty bloggers succumb to their siren song and stop blogging.  Now there is a Facebook clone that caters to the racism and bigotry of the Republican base.  So I wonder, can the white supremacist version numb Republican minds any more than they already are?

9naziIt looks like Facebook. It apparently works like Facebook. But the Terms of Use, not to mention the name, might give you a clue that this definitely isn’t Facebook.


AryanBook [sic] is a racialist, WHITE ARYAN PRIDE Social Network for Whites Only! Niggers, Jews, Mexicans, and Muds and other non-white trash aren’t allowed!” the Terms of Use page declares, even though the actual website address is, with a “s.” “All anti-white, pro-Jewish, pro-nigger, pro-faggot or other communist trash is hereby banned on this Network!

On AryansBook’s home page, underneath a world map that looks like the one that has identified Facebook’s home page, is the phrase “14 W.P.W.W. 88”: 14 for the infamous “14 Words” credo of white nationalism, the initials for the slogan “White Pride World Wide,” and 88 for two iterations of the eighth letter of the alphabet, h, meant to represent “Heil Hitler.”

The real Facebook — the global social network service with more than a half-billion subscribers — isn’t amused that its familiar look is being copied by a white supremacist.

“We’re aware of this website, and our legal team is considering what action to take,” Simon Axten, Facebook’s manager for public policy, told Hatewatch in an E-mail. “We’re also investigating the website owner.”

That would be music promoter, entrepreneur and accused con man Chris “Big Poppa” Hogan of Heber Springs, Ark., who earlier this year was the Arkansas state leader and mid-South regional coordinator for a faction of the neo-Nazi group Aryan Nations before he resigned in late November. He registered on Nov. 16… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <SPLC>

Will they offer online games, perhaps Lynchville?  It may even be positive of it keeps Republicans exploring their hate-fantasies there, instead pf perpetrating them in real life.


  4 Responses to “A Facebook Clone for Republicans!”

  1. Does Hitler come running out in a pink dress like in the old “Wolfenstein” Game?

  2. Disgusting. 😡

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