Dec 082010

And this is the writing that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN. This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and  finished it. TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting. PERES; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians. [Dan. 5:25-28, KJV]

After a day to think further about the deal reached between Barack Obama and the Republican leadership, with zero input from his own party, I am more convinced that it is not acceptable.  The three tax credits he says Republicans oppose include one that Republicans campaigned in favor of and two that were added to the stimulus package to attract Republican votes.  I did not realize that the one year payroll tax holiday was 33% reduction in Social Security withholdings.  That is an open door for Republicans to say that benefits should be reduced as well.  In short, Obama gave up huge tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires.  He gave up huge estate tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires.  All he got in return was a too-short extension of unemployment benefits and nothing for the 99ers.  I am convinced that Republicans will cave-in on unemployment, if Democrats hold their ground.  On top of all this, Obama had the audacity to lecture the very people who put him in office.

8white_flagWhen debating with Republicans, the president uses tough rhetoric, and he dished some today. He said he was ""itching for a fight on a whole range of issues." But when talking about Democrats, he has the intensity associated with family arguments. He was as heated as he gets in public (still not warm enough for your hot chocolate, but above his baseline, which is the serving temperature for white wine). He warned liberals of being "sanctimonious" and engaging in a no-win political fight simply to stir up their bodily humors. He compared it to the last dead-end fight liberals wanted to wage—over the public option during the debate over health care reform, in which they were willing to give up the chance to extend insurance to millions for a narrow ideological crusade… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Slate Magazine>

Itching for a fight?  When?  We’ve waited two years for a fight, and every time the Republicans have moved the goal posts, he has shifted right.

Rachel Maddow covers the reaction from Democrats on the Hill, and Sherrod Brown explains the right strategy on unemployment benefits.

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That makes sense to me.

Keith Olbermann’s Special Comment sums it all up.  It was the inspiration for the opening of this article.

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I agree.  We must oppose this.

Tell your Rep and Senators to vote NO on Tax Cuts for Millionaires and Billionaires!


  18 Responses to “Obama: MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN”

  1. Tom,

    Here’s the first and third paragraphs of my first post in almost a year.

    If Obama does not veto any tax break bill that includes tax cuts for the wealthiest 2%, namely millionaires and billionaires then it will once again show that he is no different than Neville Chamberlain with his appeasement to the Nazi’s, only this time it’s the Republican Nazi’s and the Republican Nazi Party.

    I will not vote for Obama or any Democrats anymore if Obama once again appeases the Republican Nazi’s and the Democrats allow the American People to suffer under Republican Nazi Policies.

    I nearly fell out of my chair when Keith brought up Chamberlain. That’s exactly what I was thinking when I wrote my post and before this is called compromise was announced as the deal that had been made.

    The problem now for him is that no one believes that he will fight the Republicans at all on anything and nor do they believe anything he says. He has lost the base as I see it. Those who put him in office and gave him both houses of congress.

    • AP, my friend, I won’t go that far. Visualize 2012: It’s Obama Biden vs Palin/Angle. I’ll hold my nose, but I’ll vote for him.

  2. That’s a big 10/4 and a big no shit as well.

  3. It seems to me that he compromised too soon. The problem is in the Senate, but there is no bill in the Senate. The House has passed a tax cut bill for the under $250,000 only group, but it contains nothing else. I think the place to compromise is where there is a bill being negotiated, not before…unless his plan is to make this agreement his base and hope for sweeteners during the legislative process. ❓

  4. As I said to Tom, you know what pissed me off? We hear it might cost us up to 900 billion to help the rich again and the military has been fighting and dying for 10 years in this just beginning forever war and he gives them the lowest increase in 50 years. What is wrong with us? How do we stay quiet and let them get away with all they do? WTF?

  5. (No idea if this “table” will show up as I aligned it – I guess we’ll see how goofy it actually turns out)

    Republican Party Democratic Party
    Tax cuts for those making > $250k MUST HAVE AGAINST
    Reductions in estate tax for the rich MUST HAVE AGAINST
    Employees’ payroll tax cuts AGAINST MUST HAVE
    Extend Unemployment benefits AGAINST MUST HAVE

    I’m with Krugman on disappointment, but “It’s a lot better than what I expected over the weekend.”

    Two worthwhile analyses from some pretty solid liberal voices: one from WaPo’s Ezra Klein
    … And a NY Times editorial

    • Note to self: Do NOT try to construct any more Tables, unless there’s HTML formatting available to support it.
      Oh, well …

      • PS: Saw it over at Obsidian Wings

        • I disagree with the third line. Republicans also want the one year reduction in social security withholding. It makes Social Security alteration more negotiable.

          Tables are tough. I use Live Writer’s tools to but them in posts. I would not even try in comments. 🙂

  6. Every Dem hates this bill but the Repubs seem pretty happy with it. That’s not a good sign.

  7. TC,

    What Lisa said!

    See that’s what keeps setting me off, when BHO/GIbbs/whoever starting kicking progressives in the ass instead of the Republicans. Kick the bad guys in the ass instead of people who want to fight for a better world for our kids to grow up in.

    My Raider hat’s tipped to you TC, I know you believed in the man and still do but you are calling him out now on this issue based on principle, and for what it’s worth my half-breed ghetto ass has got your back all the way on this.

    Stand on your principles man, back him when people like me go off without looking at the big picture, but point out his failings like you do now.

    Much respect TomCat.

    • Thanks, Oso. I know I have frustrated you by trying to stay solidly reasonable, when emotions dictate rage, but I always call them like I see them. Thanks again.

  8. The late great Hunter S. Thompson’s words about Bill Clinton now ring true for Obama. “He’s the best Republican president we’ve had.”

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