The Republican Roadmap

 Posted by at 2:24 am  Politics
Oct 262010

The Republican Party has been somewhat secretive about their future plans.  In the past, they have been the party of NO.  They have obstructed virtually everything that Obama and Democrats have tried to accomplish.  They have set records for personal holds and filibusters in the Senate.  They have even gone so far as to filibuster their own proposals when Democrats agreed to endorse them.  Often they have claimed that their future plans are too secret for us to know, until now.

gop-no From this weekend’s Meet the Press, RNC Chairman Michael Steele wants us to believe that Republicans have not been obstructing everything President Obama has tried to achieve legislatively as a political tactic and that they really, really did want to cooperate with him. Yeah, sure Micheal. That’s why the GOP decided they liked the health care bill when it was Bob Dole’s idea, or something akin to Romney-care, but once a Democrat put it out there for a vote, suddenly it was "Socialism" and the Republicans all voted against it. Spare me.

Of course heaven forbid it was too much trouble for the hapless David Gregory to point this out for the viewers. Steele also claimed that they’re "hoping for a better relationship come January" which means they’re hoping President Obama will rubber stamp a Republican agenda or they’re going to stomp their feet and hold their breath until he does. Pretty much the same nonsense we’ve seen out of them for the last two years. Obstruct and then blame the other side for not getting anything done. And in the mean time, the country suffers while they play politics… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>

The author makes a good case, but that is not proof.  However, Mitch McConnell has come right out and admitted it, as Keith Olbermann and Eugene Robinson discuss.

Mitch is one bought bitch, but so are the rest of the Republican politicians.  The bottom line is this.  If any legislation, no matter how needed it may be, might make Obama look good.  Republicans will do everything in their power to obstruct it.  Jobs for Americans is the last thing they want.  That would make Obama look good.

The last time Republicans were in power, there was no law they would not happily break in their attempt to establish an irreversible Republican Reich.  America survived as a republic (of sorts), only because they began to strip mine the poor and middle classes through their greed and incompetence before their takeover was complete.  Thus the Fourth Reich lasted for only eight years.  They do not care whom they have to hurt to establish a Fifth Reich.  And there is only one way to stop them.



  8 Responses to “The Republican Roadmap”

  1. The take home lesson: Forget bipartisanship!

    The only things that come immediately to mind where Teapublicans would be happy to work with Democrats include:

    Cutting taxes (or maintaining extant tax cuts) so the rich can get richer
    Deregulation for Wall St.
    Military incursion into, or regime change of, countries Teapublicans don’t like (i.e., nations with lots of Muslim or dark-skinned people)
    Giving money to Israel – with absolutely no strings attached
    Union busting
    Any measure to widen the divide between the Haves and Have-Nots
    Block all nominees to federal or judiciary appointments who are not to the right of Attila the Hun

    I’m sure they’re more – but since none of these “bipartisan-ready” issues appeals to any reasonable person, it’s pretty much time to end all efforts at “reaching across the aisle” … because these a$$holes are incorrigible.

    • That’s a good take home lesson. They would also agree that white women should be kept barefoot and pregnant, and that gay men should be hung (not in the sense that Larry Craig likes.

  2. I hope they shut down the government again. That only made Clinton look good and all their vast plans were foiled. Not only would the look stupid (like they did the first time) but apparently they have no memory of history. You know they are going to try to mess with the third rail of politics, SS, and they seniors will not stand for that shit. They’ll be up on Capitol hill beating those Repubs with their canes and walkers – which would be hysterical to see. 😆

  3. They are also the party of No Truth and No Heart!

  4. It’s hard to top the comments already on this page, for I feel that they get the GOP agenda and can see what’s coming. But I fear that things are not going to be so genteel this time. Sharron Angle’s “Second amendment remedies” comment should be taken as a blatant threat, especially when tied to the Texas congressman’s assertion that revolt will break out should the Tea Baggers not win their elections and the assault on the MoveOn rep by one of Rand Paul’s campaign workers. Violence in defense of their goals is not out of the picture, for they have no respect for those who disagree with them. I truly fear that we could see the outbreak of the Second Civil War, maybe even if the Tea Baggers get everything the now claim they seek, for to them Too Much remains Never Enough.

    PS: thanks for the visit to my site.

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