Oct 262010

Action Alert!

Did you see the headlines today?

"MoveOn Supporter Brutally Attacked by Rand Paul Supporter" — The Atlantic

"Ugly Scene In Kentucky" — Politico

"Paul Stops Short Of Condemning Attack On MoveOn Protester" — TPM

Outside a Senate debate last night, a progressive activist named Lauren was thrown to the ground by Tea Party thugs holding "Rand Paul" signs. As one held her down, another stomped her head — producing an audible crunching sound.

Rand Paul’s Senate campaign put out a statement condemning violence on "both sides." What?? That’s NOT ok — we need accountability, not false equivalency.



Sign the Petion Against Republican Violence!


  14 Responses to “Republican Brownshirts In Action”

  1. Absolutely disgusting behavior! Let’s see what Rand Paul says about it.

  2. Sickening! There is no excuse for brutality like this! I hope the perpetrators (and whoever put them up to this) get a nice, long stay in prison.

  3. TEATHUGGERY!!! These people should be in jail. This is what the right wants leading our country, God Help Us!!

  4. I’m with Sue. This is typical far-right hypocrisy. They claim to support the Constitution and are libertarians who oppose government interference in our personal lives, and then they turn around and engage in assault and battery on political opponents. Just modern-day Nazi brown shirt storm troopers – that’s all – and that’s why they must be kept out of political office and power.

  5. Sad comment on the state of our union, but BE ADVISED:

    When you vote a week from today be sure your medical insurance is paid up; and go armed with a can of Mace spray and a video camera, because there may well be jack-booted, goose-stepping, brown-shirted thugs such as these at your polling place.

  6. This is my current post too; I hope this story gets around. I found it on Think Progress but not any of the mainstream sites. Rand Paul described the attack as “people jockeying back and forth.” If he doesn’t have the ‘nads to condemn those cowardly goons, he should lose the election, even aside from his stand on the issues.

  7. TC, friend and comrade, it’s time to take to the streets. This is just so awful. It need to be up on HuffPo and then on Maddow tonight…. ya know? 🙄

  8. Disgusting and makes me sick to see the level of discourse and violence coming out. This both sides crap is just that.. CRAP.

    After Joe Miller, AK I thought we had seen the worst the righties could offer, but it just gets worse all the time.

    If anyone on the left had done something like this, it would be on 24/7 with condemnation coming from everyone, yet these 2 have gotten off more of less with nothing. As for Paul’s statement… that was worse than no statement at all. What a jerk

  9. I’m with everyone here – it was disgusting and sickening. That poor woman – when I saw this last night on Huff Po, she was still in the hospital with an unknown release date and time.

    Paul’s statement was worse than no statement at all. He better come out and condemn his thugs (did you watch the video dumass?) for conducting assault and battery.

    She was actually holding a Republicorp sign and said she was there to give Rand Paul and an award for being such a faithful follower of Republicorp. 😆 See this as an example of what she was doing:


    • Signed and this was my note to poor Lauren:

      Thank you for standing up for our rights as citizens. I’m sorry that these awful thugs thought it appropriate to drag a woman to the ground and stomp on her head for merely expressing her first amendment rights to protest and hold a sign. I hope that you make a full and speedy recovery and thank you for your bravery in spite of these thugs!
      I hope those assholes spend a long, long time in prison, contemplating what they did to Lauren. The guy that actually stepped on her face should be easy enough to find – his foot print is on her face – Jeebus, wtf is wrong with these people? And did you notice that no one, not one person tried to stop this asshole or help her. Shameful, absolutely shameful. 😯

  10. Amen to all of the above.

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