Happy Labor Day!

 Posted by at 12:35 am  Holiday, Plus
Sep 062010


Every labor day, I post an article on the importance of the labor movement, and this year is no different.  I think mine is an excellent article.  But One Fly has posted a piece so remarkable, that I have moved my own article to the number two position for the day.

…In this country there are not many who know why we celebrate this holiday but the story told below explains and we should all take pause now and then and remember those who came before us whether it’s this or any number of other stories of people who sacrificed so our country could be a better place to live in.

Remembering the Haymarket Martyrs…

Inserted from <Oak Creek Forum>

Please click through and read this most excellent piece.  It will open in a new window, so when you you’re done, I hope you will scroll down and read mine too.


  13 Responses to “Happy Labor Day!”

  1. The Hay Market bombing almost certainly a set up by the business’ and police that paid them was simply one of many labor movements of the day. I think that, though not as well known, this day marks the many railroad workers who were quietly killed for their attempt at unionizing, protesting or fired for being injured. The many miners who were in the same straights as well as child laborers of the time, the NYC sweat shop garment and cigar workers.

    In this country the founding fathers though generous in their patriotism were businessmen and since before their time the needs of labor has always been secondary to the needs of profitability. You could say that the Whiskey Rebellion was the beginning of Labor Day. Taxing a man’s labor and product to fund the business of government.

    Up to this very day labor is the cannon fodder in the war for profit.

    This present extremely long and deep downturn could be solved with a few pen strokes in a few boardrooms but labor has not been crushed just yet enough with stagnant wages, massive layoffs, taken away benefits. When $10, no benefits, no paid days off becomes the norm that is when the economy will magically “turn around” for labor.

  2. Thank you TC for the gracious compliment but for your readers It was Charles Sullivan who tells this excellant sad but true story that not many in this country know about or would even spend a few moments to learn. TWM in the first comment has it nailed down as well.

    I believe it’s fair to say when the Repubs get back control there will be hell to pay and unions and those who speak out against corporations and what they do to workers will bear the brunt of the hate from these people when it comes time to deal with thase “evil unions”.

    Thanks again TC!

  3. I have blogger friends from Oklahoma, and they sure remember the Wobblies. Heroic, but with a tragic end.

    …And you’re righ,t One Fly.

    Mark the Walking Man has it nailed down, especially when it comes to Republicans.

  4. Fascinating piece!

  5. TWM = you definitely have nailed it. You are right that the Repubs will do just that. One Fly, I didn’t know about the Haymarket Martyrs until you mentioned this post. And I grew up in IL! Thank you for your education of this very important post. πŸ˜€

  6. TWM is correct, once the repubs take over congress all sorts of unexpected stuff will suddenly happen. Sort of like how gas prices magically fell before the 2006 mid-terms and the 2008 election, at least in my area.

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