Sep 072010


Republicans leaders love to wave their little Constitutions about, but the things they use it to defend and the policies they propose indicate that, if they have ever read it at all, they are hell bent on using it as toilet paper.  To expose their lies, I recently posted a series of articles including the entire Constitution, all its Amendments, and my commentary explaining each Article and Amendment, with emphasis on how Republicans ignore it at best and try to trash it at worst.  It was very well received, and I received multiple requests to put it in some more permanent form.  I have collected the entire series into a single forty two page file in PDF format.  You may download it free of charge.

Clicking the link will open the file in your browser.  Use the file menu to save it.  Or right-click the link and choose ‘save target as’ to download it without opening it.

To get it, click here.


  6 Responses to “Politics Plus Constitution Series to Download”

  1. It’s me Lisa again. Aww, you’re so thoughtful 😉

  2. Added to Digg…

  3. That black and white cat that you use for your avatar looks just like my cat. He just wandered into my porch one day and adopted me. He was wild and unapproachable for a long time but I finally got to where he’ll let me pet him. He was skin and bones when he moved in, now he’s put on some weight. I know nothing about cats, so I don’t know what breed(s) he is.
    Keep up the good work on your blog.

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