Aug 072010

In our recent Constitution series we covered many of the differences between the Constitution, which Republicans claim to honor, even waving little paper copies to prove how patriotic they are, and actual Republican policies.  I have to wonder if they actually hate the Constitution, if they have even read it.

6burning-constitution Think Progress’s Ian Millhiser details the astounding number of issues the Republican party has with the constitution, and the various

REPEALING CITIZENSHIP: Numerous GOP lawmakers, including their Senate leader and the most-recent Republican candidate for president, are lining up behind a “review” of the 14th Amendment’s grant of citizenship to virtually all persons born within the United States….

REPEALING CONGRESS’ POWER TO REGULATE THE ECONOMY: The Constitution’s “Commerce Clause” gives national leaders broad authority to regulate the national economy, but much of the GOP has embraced “tentherism,” the belief that this power is small enough to be drowned in a bathtub….

REPEALING CONGRESS’ POWER TO SPEND MONEY: The Constitution also gives Congress power to “provide for the common defense and general welfare,” a broad grant of authority to create federal spending programs such as Social Security. Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK), however, recently called upon the Supreme Court to rewrite the Constitution’s clear language and repeal parts of the budget he doesn’t like….

REPEALING CONGRESS’ POWER TO RAISE MONEY: The Constitution also gives Congress broad authority to decide how to distribute the tax burden. Thus, for example, Congress is allowed to create a tax incentive for people to buy houses by giving a tax break to people with mortgages, and it is allowed to create a similar incentive for people to buy health insurance by taxing people who have health insurance slightly less than people who do not. Nevertheless, the frivolous assaults on health reform would eliminate this Constitutional power….

REPEALING EQUALITY: The Constitution entitles all persons to “equal protection of the laws,” a provision that formed the basis of Judge Vaughn Walker’s decision yesterday that California cannot treat gay couples as if they are somehow inferior. Immediately after this decision was announced, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) called upon Congress to “act immediately” to overturn it — something that it could only do through a constitutional amendment….

REPEALING FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS: As Judge Walker also held, marriage is a fundamental right protected by the Constitution’s Due Process Clause. The GOP’s anti-gay amendment would repeal this constitutional protection as well.

REPEALING ELECTION OF SENATORS: Finally, a number of GOP candidates have come out in favor of repealing the 17th Amendment, the provision of the Constitution which requires direct election of senators, although many of these candidates also backed off their “Seventeenther” stand after it proved embarrassing. It is simply baffling how anyone could take one look at the U.S. Senate, and decide that what it really needs is even less democracy.

There’s one amendment to the constitution that they worship, however… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

Do you care to guess which amendment that is?  The second, of course.  Dangerous as it is to keeping our Republic, the Second Amendment is the Republican solution for everything.


  14 Responses to “Do Republicans Hate the Constitution?”

  1. What hue and cry would rise if someone from the left recommended a second amendment solution to elections they did not care for?

    • Mark, given that they called us traitors for the slightest criticism of Potomac Pinocchio, I guess a Second Amendment suggestion from us would result in attempts at lynching. During my days as a Vietnam protest leader, I can count the times I was physically attacked by righties for exercising my First Amendment rights.

  2. Repubs use the constitution ONLY when it serves their purpose. When the constitution conflicts with their skewed ideologies they are against it. The worse mistake the repubs can make is mess with the constitution, there will be riots in the streets, and should be. These people are crazy, spoiled children who think if something does not suit their ideology, then change it….Well when did God go on vacation and leave them in charge thinking that the repub way is the best way. We found out how they govern for the 8 years they were in power, we are ALL paying for that now. Repubs = spoiled, greedy, arrogant, lying hacks, their ACTIONS prove it!!!!!

  3. Yeah but their so entertaining….dressing up and all…;)

    • I have been tempted more than once to approach one of those teabag hats with a cup of hot water to ask for a brew. 😀

  4. It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad. The very group that says we should follow the Constitution literally, wants to make many changes to it. Once again, republicans say one thing, but try to do something else.

  5. Republicans use the Constitution the same way they use the Bible. They’re both good for a few out-of-context quotes that can be thrown around as a talking point. And then they ignore the other 99% that they don’t like.

  6. When the Repubs start trying to modify the Constitution, it usually backfires in it’s face. I say let them try – they’ll only make bigger assholes out of themselves (as if that were possible).

  7. They certainly break it, want to change it, ignore it. I consider them anti-American for their dismissive attitude towards the Constitution.

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