A Case for Greene

 Posted by at 2:18 am  Politics
Aug 072010

You must think I’ve been guzzling the Republicans’ Kool-Aid, but before you dismiss me as absolutely crazy, consider this:

During a lengthy speech on the Senate floor yesterday about his opposition to the confirmation of Elana Kagan to the Supreme Court, Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) went on a tangent, claiming the ongoing economic downturn “was not Bush’s recession” but was a “result of Democrat economic polices”:

DEMINT: The decision that have been made about our economy over the last couple of years have brought our economy to its knees. This is no longer something we can blame on President Bush. In fact, the Democrats have been in control of policy making, economic policy spending, for four years now. This is not Bush’s recession. This is the result of Democrat economic polices. This nomination will continue our move in the wrong direction.

Watch it:


Even the staunchly conservative Wall Street Journal editorial board understood it was Bush’s recession, writing in early 2009 that Bush’s comment that “Wall Street got drunk and we got a hangover,” “reveals how little the President comprehends about the source of his Administration’s economic undoing. To extend his metaphor, Who does Mr. Bush think was serving the liquor?” Even if one ignores everything after 2006, Bush still had the worst record of job creation in 40 years.

Moreover, the economy only began to recover after President Obama and the Democratic Congress passed the stimulus package in early 2009. Since then, the GDP has grown, the financial sector has recovered, and — while the overall employment situation is still bleak — private sector job growth has rebounded:

In a recent report, two leading economists “empirically proved” that the Obama’s stimulus package and other interventionist measures “helped avert a second Depression.” Without the stimulus package, GDP would have been 2 percent lower and an additional 2.7 million jobs would have been lost, they found. Meanwhile, “On every major measurement” of economic growth, “the country lost ground during Bush’s two terms,” the National Journal’s Ron Brownstein observed, citing Census data… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Do I think Greene is qualified to be a US Senator?  Certainly not.  Am I endorsing him?  Only indirectly.  Why?  We could not do worse than Jim DeMint.  If I were faced with a choice between DeMint and a retarded chimp with mange, body odor, and halitosis, who throws feces at anyone within range, and who masturbates in public, I’d vote for that monkey in a hot minute.  Greene is a far better choice than the chimp, so he must be better that DeMint too.


  14 Responses to “A Case for Greene”

  1. The one fallacy is that jobs not lost are not jobs created. i understand this is off topic but the job numbers from yesterday were terrible. Here in MI they finally got honest with the truth and set our true unemployment rate counting everyone at above 16%

    I would vote for Greene simply so they would make action figures of him rather than vote for any extreme right wing liar. McConnel comes just as readily to mind as a right wing liar.

    • Mark, they were, but terrible as they were, that did not aproach how bad the job losses were in the last six months od the Bush Regime. You are correct, but consider how much worse it would be had those jobs not been saved.

  2. That’s why I love this country. These are your choices for office.

  3. Lean mean Alvin Greene. I’d vote for him, after all he has action figures of himself.
    The mint gives us nothing…;)

  4. DeMint’s an idiot. He is spouting more republican revisionist history. They must think we are really stupid.

  5. I think Repubs have such a problem with the truth because they’ve never used it. DeMint is demented; anyone who would believe what drivel comes out of that asshole’s mouth is an idiot.

  6. Call ’em as you see ’em, Tom. A good read.

  7. as weak as Greene is, that is how awful DeMint is. The US Senate is chock full of evil and insane people – to me the two worst of Inhofe and DeMint – they are liars on top of being evil – and use their bully pulpit to spread false crap to get elected – what makes them even worse then say Kyl, Cornyn, McConnell, Sessions, Bond and others – is that i actually believe DeMint believes his own lies.

    Jim DeMint needs a megadose of thorazine

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